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We were all sitting in a circle, except Jackie who was sitting on the washing machine, as Eric explained the game.

"The game is Anaconda. Big Ace. Eight ball. Red Lady. Jackson. Fiver. Wild Man-" "Oh my God, Michael, they opened up a disco." "Where at?" "In Kenosha. You can wear your David Bowie butt-huggers." Hyde then imitated Jackie,

"Michael, that would be super." Kelso then defended Jackie "Laugh it you want, man, but my butt looks pretty good in those." Eric joined in the conversation.

"Come on, are you guys crazy? I mean a disco? No way." Donna then said right into Eric's direction. "I don't know. It might be kind of fun to go dancing." "Or we could go." Eric said changing his mind, because he probably wants to impress Donna.

"I got nothing, I fold." Kelso said putting his cards down. Hyde then said "Well if you're out, go make some popcorn." I chimed in "And take her with you." directing it toward Jackie as she dances.

"What is disco?" Fez asked us. Hyde then explained disco in his opinion. "Disco is from hell, okay? And not the cool parts of hell with all the murderers... but the lame-ass party where the really bad accountants live." "Disco isn't that bad." I murmured under my breath so I wouldn't be heard. "Hey, what are you doing?" Eric asked Donna "Looking at Kelso's cards." She said pulling them slightly up. "That's cheating." Eric said as Jackie screamed from upstairs "Eric I can't find the popcorn!" Eric then turned from the stairs.

"Hey Donna, why don't you take a look at my cards? Then you won't have to wait for me to leave. No, come on, take a look. Tell me what I have, cheater." Eric said returning to his seat on the couch showing Donna his cards. She looked at him with a bit of confusion, "You've got nothing." "Yeah, but I'm gonna blur so watch out." Eric said before running up the stairs.

"Donna has stuff for Eric, yes?" Fez asked us. "Not stuff, thing. Donna has a thing for Eric." Hyde corrected him. He continued, "Why do you have a thing for Eric?" "He makes me laugh, he doesn't ask stupid questions, he's smart, and you know." She went on. "No, I don't know." Hyde said, but Fez thought he did so he began to speak. " it is because Eric is noble, and a woman wants her first lovemaking to be in the arms of a man she can trust." We all chuckled. "Fez?" Donna said looking right at him. "Yes?" "Go make popcorn." He then went upstairs.

Hyde continued to laugh about the Eric thing. Donna then said "Why are you laughing. We all know you have a thing for Liz. Don't you?" She said looking right in my direction. Hyde then froze, not knowing what to say. "I think this is where I go." I then said slowly walking up the stairs as tension filled the room. I knew he'd talk to her about how he felt, because I heard my name be used but I knew that wasn't a good idea.
Eric got his parents to push back our curfew, but we had no money for gas. We then began collecting bottle for cash. I was in the garage with Hyde, Kelso, Red, and Fez as Hyde began to talk. "Man, I cant believe that you and Jackie are dragging everybody to the disco. It's so sad." "Oh I'm just going to meet Kenosha chicks. I'm breaking up with Jackie." He said as if this would be the time he finally would. "Kelso," I started. "you've said this so many times, you won't end up doing it." Then crossing my arms. Fez then added, believing he would break up with her. "Get a tall chick. You and Jackie look so silly together." Causing all of us but Kelso to laugh.

Eric walked in holding two cans. "Okay that's all the cans we've gotta have at least $1.15 worth of gas." "Come on, my dad has a ton of empties." Kelso said as we followed him, but Hyde was talking to Red. "Are you not coming with us?" I asked him with a bit of a sad look on my face. "No, you guys go look for more cans." He said trying to talk to Red. I stormed off into my room and took a nap.
We were sitting in the circle. Me, Hyde, Eric, Kelso, and Fez, all high as a kite. "Okay, I thought about it, and I'm going to the disco. Just on the off chance they mix up a little rock and roll, man." Kelso then wanted to feel special.

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