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"What should we do? I'm so bored." Jackie asked the group. We were all bored, just driving around the neighborhood. "Yeah, we've passed by that house five times now." Hyde groaned. "How about we go skinny dipping?" Kelso asked with lots of enthusiasm, hoping al us girls would want to. "I mean, I'd rather do that than stay in this car any longer." I shrugged, turning around to see Hyde winking at me. I stick my tongue out at him before I turn back around.

After a bit of convincing, everybody was okay with the idea. Once we got to the reservoir, everybody threw their clothes off. I slowly stripped my clothing from my body except for my undergarments. I dipped my foot into the cold water. I knew it couldn't get any worse so I made myself completely naked and slowly emerged my body in the water. I went to where you could really only see to my collar bones to see Hyde, Kelso, and Fez.

"Hey good looking." Fez said looking me up and down.
"Looking good there, Rose." Kelso winked.
"Hey Rose, this isn't that bad." Hyde said with a little smirk.

"Okay ew, ew, and yep, it'd be better if the water wasn't that cold." I said to them. The boys eyes' beamed like saucers as I scruffed up my half set hair. "Yeah guys take a picture it'll last longer." Hyde said. The two idiots gave me a frown and swam away.

"Thanks." I smiled. "Anytime, baby." Hyde said kissing me and bringing me close. It was all fun until I heard Eric scream. Once we all got to the car there was one important thing missing; our clothes.

I ended up driving us with Jackie and Donna beside me and all the guys in the back, all of us trying to cover our naked bodies. "We can't go to my house like this or Red will kill me." Eric panically said from the back seat. "Hey man, we can go to my house. It'll be fine." Hyde suggested trying to calm Eric down. "Why? Is it because she's used to having naked people in your house?" Kelso said, jokingly but a bit serious. I turned around wanting to punch Kelso so badly. Hyde snapped back. "No, she's not in town! You moron."

I drove us to Hyde's house. I made the guys go in first to make sure they wouldn't try and look at us. When I saw the front door close, us girls walked into the house, hands over our areas. The guys were in Hyde's room finding clothes as I was in his mom's room with Donna and Jackie. Donna was the only one who could find something, so Jackie and I were in towels. I decided what better than to steal a shirt from Hyde?

"Hey Hyde, Im going to borrow a shirt from you if that's ok." I said walking into his room. I picked out a Zeppelin shirt, in fact, my favorite one of his. I throw it on and go sit on his couch. All the other boys oooed and ahhhed at it. I rolled my eyes at them. "You two are totally doin' it aren't you?" Kelso asked knowing something was going on. "Get bent, Kelso. She just didn't want to wear my mom's clothes." They backed off and Jackie changed the topic.

"Michael can you take me home? I think I caught something at the reservoir." She said, shivering. He took her home as the rest of us sat in his living room drinking beer. "This place is great. No supervision, lots of beer!" I said. Everyone raised their beer up and we continued drinking.

It had gotten pretty late, so Eric decided he wanted to go home. "Hey, let's go guys." Eric said with everyone following. "Eric, I'm staying longer. Tell Kitty I went to Jackie's house or something." I said sitting down. Eric shrugged his shoulders and everyone else followed him out the door.

As the door shut my lips attached onto Hyde's. We lied on the couch making out. I pulled back. "This is amazing." I said with a smile. "You bet." He said. We continued to make out for a bit more when Hyde pulled back this time. "You know, it's just us two here." with a smirk on his face. We looked at each other and ran to his room.

I laid on the bed and he laid on top of me, his lips reconnecting with mine. I took his shirt off of him and next thing I knew, we were naked. One thing led to another, oh we totally did it.
I woke up that morning, in the Zeppelin shirt, cuddled up by Hyde. I saw a clock read 11:am so I knew I had to go. I kissed him on the forehead and slowly got out of the bed. I put on some shorts of his mom's just it wouldn't be sketchy. I then went to the phone and called Eric. I'm just happy he answered.
"What's up Hyde."
"Hey it's Rose, come get me now cause I'd like to wear my own clothes." I said sarcastically.

Eric hung up the phone and about 5 minutes later the Vista Cruiser was outside the driveway. I ran to the car and he headed back to his house. The car ride home was pretty silent, but he knew what happened last night.
Sitting in the basement was me, Eric, Hyde and Fez, listening to music. "Eric, Aubrey wash up for dinner." Red had said. I stand up and so does Eric and we walk upstairs. Hyde's mom was still not home so I'd always give half my dinner to him.

When I got to the table I filled my plate with food, lots of it. I'd then make up an excuse to go to the basement and carry my food and a cup of water down there. As I'd walk, I'd grab an extra plate and silverware, I'm a bit confused how I haven't gotten caught yet.

He was just down there so I began to give him half of everything. Placing his food on the table and water. I went to give him a kiss and right as I laid my lips on his, I heard the door open. I jumped off of him to see a jaw dropped Jackie.

"Jackie! Why are you here?" I asked.
"I came to ask if I could borrow your new ABBA record, I haven't gotten it yet. What are you two doing." She asked with her snobby voice.
"Okay look we're dating, you tell anyone you're dead." Hyde said.
"Here Jackie I'll give you it after dinner, just stay down here for now." I said.
"Okay, great!" She jumped. I mouthed 'I'm so sorry' to Hyde and went back upstairs with my food.
Eric and I had went over to Hyde's house to check on him. His mom had still been gone and we've been getting worried. We got up to his house at the perfect time when he threw his phone against the wall. Poor Hyde.

He saw us from the door, and let us in. I gave my boyfriend a hug like I usually do, and he told us she wasn't coming back. Eric gave him a sandwich that Kitty had made, because that's all the help he'd take. I don't think he deserves this.
I sat there at dinner, begging Red and Kitty to let him stay with us. Eric also helped too. We told them his mom left for good and he's not going to survive there on his own. We convinced them to at least go over, I'm hoping it will end with them bringing him here.
I had been sitting on the couch since my parents had left for Hyde. I sat there reading my cosmos, tapping my foot as I hear the door knock. I open it to see Donna and Jackie. I knew to step outside so we could chat on the porch.

"Rose, did you really kiss Hyde? Aww you two love each other." Donna said teasing me.
"Really Jackie? And yes, we did kiss, in fact, were dating." I said clasping my hands together. Donna got excited as Jackie just had to know everything.
"When did this start? Do you love him? Have you two done it yet?" a little tmi Jackie.
"Ski cabin, I'm not sure what love is anyway, and I don't want to talk about my sex life with you." I said. Jackie squealed,
"Oh, they've done it." as I slightly punched her shoulder. Donna was so happy for us.

We continued to talk until I heard a car come pull into the driveway. They left and I went back inside to read more cosmo. I hear the door open and see three people walk in. Kitty, Red, and Hyde, with his stuff. I knew we could convince him. "Hey Steven, you staying here now?" I asked. He nodded as I gave him a hug.
We then sat in the basement. The terrific trio since day one. Me, Hyde and Eric. We sat on the couch talking. Hyde mostly talking about how he didn't want to live here, but it was a bit funny. After a bit of complaining, Kitty came down with cookies and hot chocolate, for all three of us.
"Thank you Kitty." I said.
"Anytime, Aubrey." She smiled.
I gave Hyde a cookie, and Eric gave him both, as we continued on with another conversation.

i'm so sorry for the late update you guys. <3

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