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I woke up in Eric's bed after a long night.
"You know, if I do it with Fez I will have done it with every guy in the group." I pointed out. Some may call me whore, I just never know what to do with my feelings is what I call it.
"Wow, Kelso?"
"Drive in." I said putting my finger to my mouth. I kissed him and begun putting on my pajamas.

"My cousin is coming in today."
We hated his cousin, we always fought her.
All of the gang waited outside for her to arrive. A pretty blonde walked up.
"Who are you?" I ask. Fair enough it was his cousin with a glow up. Not fair. All the guys' eyes were glued to her, even Eric, ew.

Us girls weren't going to deal with this, so we headed to Donna's house.
We had on our bathing suits ready to lamp tan to blow away the guys. Luckily I practiced my dance in my head to not fall asleep.

After a bit, we were all tan, so I went to her bed, not bothering to wake them. I also went to the bathroom. When I was done, they were awake, burnt, and angry. They saw me perfectly tan and asked why I didn't tell them. I just said, I was going to tell them after I finished using the bathroom.

We walked to my house and the guys laughed at them, but when they saw me, eyes stuck. I rolled my eyes and went inside.
I watched from the inside a fight breakout between Donna and Jackie which was funny, but it got interrupted by Eric's cousin.

"Oh, you." I glared.
"I'm kind of busy here."
"I just wanted a brownie."
"Take it. Also whatever you're doing, it's not gonna work." I threw the brownie at her.
"Well Eric buys it."
"Kiss my ass." I said flipping her off. She scoffed and walked away.
Eric and I were making out in his room when he pulled away.
"Where are you going." I said.
"I'm meeting her downstairs."
"She's adopted, so I can do stuff with her."
"You're so stupid Eric. Today she told me she's pranking you."
"Yeah, go down if you want, it may not end well."
"Okay, bye."

And just like that, I'm with a full on dumbass.
He returned to my room, told me I was right, and left. I smiled and went to go sneak some laxatives in a brownie to give her. It was priceless when she thought I was being nice until she ran to a bathroom.

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