-twenty three

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Oh how it was such a boring summer. Donna always was depending on Eric to call her and I never heard "Hey can you stay with Donna I've got a girl." so much in my life, though I haven't heard it before. Kelso was always frenching a girl named Annette, though they didn't do it, she usually slept in my bed. Man was I missing Point Place, also something I thought I'd never say.

I thought I'd really have a chance with Kelso now but he doesn't understand why I'm being down again. He's the one who came with me and Donna and his summer is better than ours. Is that fair?

I'm just mad that he doesn't really like her. It's just a girl he's trying to get to put out. Why is he just not looking for an actual relationship.
Everyday, it's me waiting with Donna for Eric to call her, or watching Kelso with Annette. But I really did find a love for the beach. Soaking up the sun's rays, getting the salt water in my hair. I've really have been coming to love myself. A lot more than ever.

I've gotten pretty tan, and my hairs got some of the golden glow back, and I have been embracing my skin and not wearing makeup. I also sometimes hang out with that Annette girl, but only when Kelso is gone so it's not weird.

Fez called me everyday and told me everything. Were best friends. We always have been. Though it doesn't seem like it, he's usually who I go to when something is up. He told me that summer was boring without me and that he saw Jackie and Hyde frenching on the couch. Oh just wait till Kelso finds out, but I won't tell him.
It was like any other day. I was sitting drinking a cherry cola with Kelso's lips connected to Annette's when Donna comes up.

"Eric hasn't called me yet." She said.
"Shocker." I said.
Kelso detaches his lips. "Can't you see I'm busy?"
"You can choose Kelso, kiss her or my ass." I said. Wow I sound like Red. He took his little blonde toy with him.
"Donna, stop depending on Eric to call you. Let's have a beach day tomorrow." I said. That was it. I'd show her my ways.
That night, Annette wasn't with us. Shocker, she didn't put out. Midge took us to a dinner and it tasted pretty good. I just couldn't stop staring at Kelso with his flowing hair. Damn, stop Aubrey! I walked home, leaving early from the dinner.

I got home quick, since the restaurant was near our place so I went and took a cold shower for a couple minutes. I then went directly to my bed, crying my eyes out.

I felt bad for Kelso, and Donna, but I was mad at myself for not doing anything about it. Under my blanket I heard muffled talking

"Warm water? Shit. Rosie, what's wrong?" Kelso said, after running the shower, coming to me bed.

All I could do was hug him. That's all I knew to do. I slowly choked out some words.

"Summer s-sucked." I said.
"Oh, I know."
"YOU know? You had the best one compared to me."
"Okay, I'm sorry I love Annette."
"You don't."
"You're just in love with the thought of being in love, also her putting out."
"You're right." he said, grasping my hands. "I don't love her."
"Night Rose." He said turning off the light.

Well fuck.
I woke up and put on a red bathing suit that was a bit skimpy. As I walked out of the bathroom Kelso looked me up and down, smirking. I rolled my eyes.

"What you want, Kels?"
"What Aub?"
"I saw you."
"Damn! Well you look good."
"Well, you look beautiful."
"You don't have to say that." I said blushing.

He winked which made me die inside. I saw Donna and took her with me.
At the beach, we tanned and talked, went into the waves, but mostly made a sandcastle. And it was the best one out there. Kelso and Annette decided to crash our fun day by making out right beside us.

I now felt like he was just trying to make me jealous. I didn't tell them we were going to the beach across town. Midge is the only person I can think would tell them, because I only told her where we'd go since we'd be out all day.

We decided to block them out and take a walk. She talked to me about Eric, I did the same with Kelso.

"Okay Rose if I tell you this, you can't tell anyone."
"Go ahead."
"Well Kelso... Wait is that Eric?"
"Oh my God that is."

It was like a movie. I watched her slowly run to Eric, and him running to her. Then Kelso tried to come beat her to him so I kicked him down. Being a star soccer player really does help sometime. After they had their moment, I went and hugged Eric.

"Nice to see you bud." I said.
"You too Rosie."

Now it was time for us to go home. Donna and I sat in the back the whole time as Kelso and Eric drove home, this time not stopping in a motel.
When we got home all our family and friends were watching us, disappointed. Yes we did leave, but it was worth it in a way.

"Why? Just why?" Red asked.
"We visited Midge." Donna said. I nodded.
"Yes Red, we are dumbasses." I said. We all walked in side with our heads down.
I had Donna hang out with me in my room and we just talked about the summer.

"Hey Don."
"Yeah Ross?"
"You were about to tell me something about Kelso at the beach but then we saw Eric."
"Oh yeah. Well there's two things."
"Yes. Well I think he likes you. He also has an engagement ring for some reason, he said he's saving it for someone special." She said

Oh my, is it for Jackie? Was it for Anette? Who is it for?

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed these chapters. I'm having so much fun writing them I'm going to update more! <3

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