-twenty six

820 18 3

After dating Kelso for a couple months, Jackie and Donna had known, and they were happy for us.
Donna had shown me a ring she was going to give Eric. It was ugly, but I wasn't going to tell her that. I would hope Eric could because I'm not trying to get her mad at me. I have to say it was one ugly, giant man ring.

Lately I have also been feeling a bit bloated and craving weird foods. I've also been getting nauseous, and I'm late on my period.

I think I'm just a couple days late though because I'm on the pill. I could not be pregnant. 
Eric had been walking out when Hyde, Fez and Kelso began making fun of him for the ring. I hit Kelso to get him to stop, which he surprisingly did.

This did make Eric a bit self conscious about the ring. Though he wore it to make Donna happy, he saw how ugly it was.

"It looks hypnotic." Fez said.
"I'd love to see it superhero who wears it." Kelso said, as he then put us in the exact scenario.
Hyde and Jackie were the wonder twins, Fez was aqua man, Kelso was batman, I was cat woman, Donna was wonder woman, and Eric was some type of superman, still wearing the ring.

Everyone was making fun of it, and Donna was trying to explain it seemed like.  Red was the villain who was also laughing at the ring. It was funny
Before leaving, he took the ring off. It may have been a good idea. Before he left, Kelso had to take Fez to the dmv so he kissed me goodbye.

I was in the moment when it happened, so I didn't realize three people were with us. They both turned in shock, but knew it was destined to happen.

"Hold on. What?" Eric said.
"Yep we're together. Since we got back from California." I said.

They shrugged and left. Kelso kissed me once more before leaving.
I had been spending time to myself the rest of that day. I didn't want to catch myself up in everyone else's stuff.

I sat at my piano bench and played bohemian rhapsody by queen. It was the first song I played and sung for Kitty.

Though I do lots of it at school, I don't enjoy to sing in front of my friends, but Kitty has always supported me for what I do. She understands how much it means to me.

I heard the door open so I stopped what I was doing. Eric was at the door with a message.

"Hey, my mom wants to talk to you."

I walked downstairs trying to figure out what it was. Nothing could pop into my mind.

When I got to her she took me to the car and began to drive.

"Where are we going?"
"The doctor. You need your well check."

I had a sigh of relief. Though the doctor isn't fun, it's better than anything else.
When we got to the doctor she waited in the waiting room, since I was grown up now. They did all the regular stuff, but also took my blood, which was a first.

I sat in the room, waiting for the doctor to finish up the check up, and when she came in, that's exactly what she did.

"Miss Rose, I have some news for you. I'm just going to tell you. You're pregnant."

I was in shock. How could this be possible.

"How? I'm on the pill, anyways, he pulls out."

"Good question, did you miss a day?"

"I don't think so."

"I'm sorry miss Rose. Have a good day."
In the car ride home, I sat there, no words. How do I tell my friends? Red and Kitty? Kelso?

Kitty got me a shake and turned up the radio. It was nice that she understood I was upset.
I got home to see an angry Donna and Eric. They turn to see me, silently crying and Donna knows to go to my room. Eric stayed behind.

"My life is over."
"What happened Rose."
"I'm... I'm..."
"Come on spit it out."
"I'm pregnant, okay?"

She froze. Jaw dropped.

"You're on the pill."
"I know!"
"And it's Kelso's? He's gonna freak."
"I know, I'm scared to say anything to him. Even Red and Kitty."

Donna hugged me and helped me through the situation. We told Eric and then it was just between us three. If anyone told anyone else, it wouldn't be good.

They then took me to tell his parents. We told them not to share the news with anyone else either. This is how that went.

"Are you serious?" Red said.
"Can I help take care of it?" Kitty said.
"No, I think it would be best if you weren't in this town being pregnant. The hospitals are bad. No offense, Kitty. You're going to go to Texas and stay with your grandparents."
"I can't leave! I'm valedictorian! I need to graduate."
"Don't worry. We'll get you out early with your diploma. You're already so smart anyway."

I walked out of the conversation. I couldn't go back to my family. I needed to stay here. But he was right, it's best for me. I went to my friends and told them the "news".

"Hey guys. So in a week I'm leaving for a while. I'm going Texas."
"Wait why?" Fez said.
"Well there is some people there who want to give me this internship but it's right now, it'll benefit when I come back to home. I'll be staying with my grandparents." All my friends looking at me upset.
"We'll miss you." Jackie said.
It was just Kelso and I in my room. He was worried about me leaving.

"You're going to be fine, right?"
"Good, and does this mean we're breaking up?"
"No, I don't want this to come into the way of our relationship."
"Okay good. I'll miss you."
"I'll miss you too."
I packed up my bags and headed out with a one month baby in my stomach. Only four people knew my secret, but I then let Donna and Eric tell everyone but Kelso, telling them the deal if they told.

Eric drove me to the airport. We got to have a long talk, just us two.

"If it's a boy, will you name it Eric?"
"I'll think about it."
"What are you thinking about naming it?"
"I'm not sure yet. I like the name Daniel for a boy, and the name Taylor for a girl."
"Well here's your stop."
"Bye." We both said.
I got into the plane and got ready to take off, when I saw an old, very familiar woman on the plane sitting next to me.

"Hello. May I sit here?"
"Yes. And hi. Where are you going?"
"I'm going to Austin, I'm going to see my daughter."
"I'm going to Austin too."

The lady looked so familiar. It wasn't ringing a bell though.
"I'm sorry, may I get your name?"
"It's Elizabeth. Some call me Liz. What's yours?"
"My name Aubrey Rose. Most call me Rosie."
"Let me introduce myself again I'm sorry. Hi, I'm Elizabeth Rose call me Liz, or mom."
How could I have been so blind sighted? I was called by my dad and told she died. I hugged her, so happy to see her.

We caught up on the plane ride to our home, where I'd be happy to spend 10 months in.

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