-thirty six

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(yes ik dates are out of wack just go w it)
*also it's a lot later in the year*
This was it. My nineteenth birthday. I feel more like an adult than I did before. I was so excited for today, but it was upsetting because it's my first birthday without Eric. Man, I didn't think I'd be this upset about it.

Already, my roommates made me a nice breakfast, which surprisingly tasted amazing. Eric and I called each other around midnight to talk, which was nice. Since Hyde gave us all the day off to spend together, he insisted on us all spending the day together. Donna said we were going to have a girls night once all of activities came to an end. And Kitty was sweet enough to watch Taylor for me today.
After waking up from a long call with Eric, and eating breakfast, I had a surprise visit from Donna. Weird, Randy wasn't here. We all decided to go to fun land for the day, and have some fun.

I grabbed my keys for the van that being the only car we can all fit into and bee lined to the door, only to get a phone call.

"Hello?" I sang into the phone, being in a better mood than usual.
"Happy birthday Rosie. I'm sorry I wasn't able to spend it with you but I miss you and love you so much." Kelso said, all giddy.

I felt a tear run down my face. Oh how much I missed Kelso. After Jackie told me he wasn't cheating-though she never said why they hang out so much- made me feel a lot better, and we call every night. Going to fun land was filling memories of Kelso and I.
-Finding Kelso
-Being forced to be his fun land buddy so he wouldn't get lost
-Him still getting lost
-You buying him ice cream when he didn't get lost
After the five seconds of nostalgia, and a couple 'Rosie, you there?'s you answered.

"Aw thanks babe, I love you too. I can't wait to see you soon." Is all you wanted to say because you knew your friends were waiting on you.

"Hey Kelso I'm gonna go because the gang is going to fun land, can I call you tonight?" I said.
"Don't get lost at fun land. Talk later, bye." He said before I placed the phone down and walked out the door.
Once we arrived at fun land, we all got matching 'fun university' shirts, just because the back said 'FU' which we all thought was funny.

We got some ice cream and then just hung out there and admired the children. It made me think of great childhood memories I had. Man, it's a nostalgic day.
It was around 4 when we decided to leave, it's pretty boring. I did a head count of everyone before we left to make sure we had everyone with us.

We drove to the hub for my special birthday dinner. I ordered a cherry cola and a burger. Fez said he'd pay for everyone, and I ordered first. I went to the restroom while everyone else ordered.

By the time I was done and walked out, my friends were gone, and it was empty. I saw one mop-headed boy at a booth walk up to me.

He gave me a passionate kiss, and said. "Happy birthday Rosie."
"I love you Kelso." I said kissing him back.

I began crying tears of joy, I missed him so much, and it's just nice to have him in the same room with me. We sat down and I ate my burger while he ate a hotdog. All we did was talk.

We talked about jobs, we talked about Taylor, we talked about Chicago, we talked about the new relationships with the friend group.
Once all the food was finished he took me on a walk. He intertwined our hands and I rested my head on his arm and we walked down the street, watching the sunset.

"Am I ever gonna find out what was going on between you and Brooke?" I asked.
"Yeah. One day." He said, wishfully.

We stopped at a beautiful garden with lots of lights. I looked at him, a smile growing on his face.

"Kelso? What is this all about?"
"Do you trust me?"
"Of course I do."

He looked at me and slowly placed his lips on mine. I did the same back. He then pulled away.

"Rose, I love you so much. I hope you know, I can't explain my love for you. Since my eyes were laid on yours in the first grade I knew you were the one for me. You were always there for me when nobody else was. You always helped me after I got hit in the eye, and always made me bowls of pudding when I was sad. I feel like I haven't shown you that I love you lately so I will right now. Thank Brooke for helping me with this." He said, murmuring the last sentence, as he slowly got down onto one knee.

Rain began to pour as I felt tears fall from my cheeks. This cannot be happening. Somebody pinch me.

"Aubrey Elizabeth Rose, I promised you this day I'd ask the question I wanted to ask you since we were 6, would you marry me?" He said opening a box to a beautiful diamond ring. Wait, that ring looks familiar. Oh my god it's that engagement ring!

"Yes Kelso! Yes!" I said, crying. I passionately kissed him as the rain poured on us.

"Are you gonna leave the ring in the box?" He asked. I laughed and put it on. It was made for me.

Just then, the gang pulled up in my car.
"Congrats, now get in the van." Hyde said. We all laughed as we drove home with Led Zeppelin playing on the radio.
At home, Donna and I had our girls night. Jackie was invited too cause she lives with me. We sat with face masks on, and a joint being passed around.

"I'm so happy for you!"Donna said.
"Thanks Donna. How are you and Randy?" I asked.
"Not good, I broke up with him." She said, still smiling.
"That's why he wasn't here today." I realized.
"That sucks. I'm so happy I'm with Steven." Jackie said.

We continued to talk when Kelso barged in.
"Rose." He said with that tone he has when he has something important to say
"Kelso." I said, repeating the tone.
"Come to Chicago with me. I got a nice house, we can start a family out there." He said.
I looked at my friends. Then at him. Then at my friends. Then at him. I don't wanna leave them, but Chicago probably won't be forever. But I don't wanna stay here. Maybe a little break would be nice.
"Kelso, that's a great idea." I said.

He smiled and ran out. I can't believe I'm with Kelso.

"Looks like I'm moving to Chicago. Hey Jackie, let Donna stay here if she wants." I said deep in thought.  Donna looked a bit stoked to get out of her house too.

The girls gave me hugs saying they'd miss me, but we all knew it wasn't the last of us. We spent the rest of the night like we planned, no interruptions.

best birthday ever.

OMG IM THE ONE WRITING THIS AND I LOVE WHAT JUST HAPPENED . I hope y'all like it and please vote! Only two more chapters left! <3

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