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Jackie had just broken up with Kelso. It's about time she found out he's been cheating on her. Donna and I sat outside with her while she vented.

"Kelso doesn't know who he is. Do you know who knows who they are? Steven Hyde." She said. Oh this bitch is really coming for my man.
"So you like my boyfriend?" I asked.
"No, I just think he's the sweetest, funniest person ever." She said, batting her eyes.
"Well I thought you hated him." Donna said.
"Feelings change, Donna. I need to go find Steven." She said running off.

I roll my eyes at Donna. This was not supposed to happen. Hyde was now mine, I can't lose him to Jackie. But he doesn't like her. Yeah I have a chance.
I was hanging out with Hyde in his room. "I don't know what's gotten into Jackie. 'Steven let's hang out.' 'Steven let's go to the mall.' My life is a living hell." He said. I gave him a kiss. "Aww Jackie has a crush on you." I said fake teasing him. He laughed, but continued to ramble on. 

I wasn't laying attention but he looked so hot today. When he stopped talking I laid my lips on his, and began to make out with him. Yep, we did it.
Hyde decided to take me on a date to the hub tonight. We sat there with a basket of fries and were just having some small talk. We were also watching Kelso and Fez play Leo and some other guy in foosball. Then an unwanted guest arrived.

"Oh Steven, good to see you." The bitch said.
"Can't you see I'm busy?" He said gesturing to me. I rolled my eyes.
"I signed us up for roller disco classes, so hustle. Hah, get it?" She said.
"I don't like roller disco Jackie." He said.
"Hustle out of here hun." I told her, shooing her with my hand. Jackie rolled her eyes. "You don't know me Steven." acting like she had a dark secret.
"I know you like unicorns, so bye." He said. She walked out of the door.

"Glad she's gone, huh?" I said.
"Yep, but I should head out, I need to help Forman with stuff." Hyde said walking out the door. I waved bye to him and walked over the the foosball table. I was greeted by all my friends and a new round of foosball, me and Kelso v Fez and also. Little did they know I'm a foosball champ.
3rd person:
Little did the girl know is that her boyfriend made a wrong turn to see jackie holding a bag. After showing him the weed in the bag did a cop show up. She ratted herself out and was going to be arrested. But her boyfriend took the blame and went to jail.
Rose's pov:
I had finally gotten home to lay in my bed. I had wondered if I should've gone to tell Hyde goodnight.

The next morning I woke up to a phone call, I answered.

"Hello?" I said
"Hey doll, it's me." Hyde said.
"Where are you?"

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