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I have been avoiding him since I overheard his conversation with Jackie. There hasn't been a time I've seen him since. I now just have Donna hang out with me in my room, that's all the social interaction I get. Or when Eric comes to my room every night to update me on the day. It's really nice of him.

"I think I'm going to get Donna this promise ring." He said, pointing at a ring in a magazine.
"It's very pretty." I said admiring the ring. There was a bit of awkward silence that was needed to be broken.

"Well what's Hyde up to?" Came out of my mouth. I covered it instantly.
"Well, he's confused why you don't leave your room, and he misses you." Eric said. Did he really feel that way? Either way I'm not talking to him.
Later on I was painting my nails black with my Jimi Hendrix record playing, not caring who hears it, when I get a knock at the door.

"Come in." I say.
The door opens to Hyde with a bag.
"What do you want?" I say, nicely but with a rude tone. He knew something was up.
"Well, I can tell you're a bit upset, so I got you this. To show no matter what I always love you." He said, holding out a promise ring like the one Eric was going to get Donna. 

"Even when you're kissing other girls?" I said. I just still can't believe he'd do this. I mean at least it was only a kiss, nothing more (*cough cough* Kelso) so I can't be that mad. At the same time I do because he lied.

His face was priceless. He knew I know what happened.
"I'm sorry?" He said.
"Steven, if you were sorry, you would've said something to me when it happened, or just not let it happen. You can't do that. I'm sorry, we're over. Now get out of my room." I said, crying.

"Ok, hope you don't miss me." He said angrily. I really needed to get a good burn from this.
"Don't be mad I lost my virginity to Kelso and not you Hyde, kiss my ass!" I screamed.

"Burn!" Kelso said from the stairs.
"Kelso go home." Hyde said. I then heard footsteps and the door open and close which made me laugh but I didn't show it. But then his face went serious.

"You did it with Kelso?" He said.
"No, I just wanted to mess with your head." I said.

He rolled his eyes and left. I laid there, crying the most I have in my entire life.
When Eric got home from his date with Donna, he came directly to my room, not even bugging to knock.

"Donna was wearing the ring around her neck. Who does that?" He said.
"I think it's fine." I shrugged.
"But it's supposed to go on your finger." He said pointing to his ring finger.
"It doesn't matter Eric." I laughed.
"Whatever. Well how was your day Rosie?" He asked. Here came the waterworks.

"I broke up with Hyde." I said, feeling myself cry again. Eric brought me into a nice hug, making me feel happy again.
"Everything will work out fine, trust me." He said.
"I know." I said. I laid my head down and fell asleep, Eric beside me.
I felt like I could finally leave my room. I couldn't care if he saw me, I wasn't going to waste anymore time isolated from the people I love. I spent the whole day with Donna, and finally forgave Jackie for that. Now, I'm trying to figure out who to put my feelings out to. I was thinking all day until that night.

I looked out my window to see Eric on the Vista Cruiser's hood to see him crying. I ran down there and sat next to him.

"What's wrong, Forman?"
"Donna and I broke up."

Tea. hope you liked this story a far!

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