-thirty four

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"I going to miss you baby." I said kissing him one last time.
"Are you sure you don't wanna come?"
"No, I need to stay here, something is sensing me to." I said. It was true. I had a feeling in my gut saying 'Don't go!'
"I promise I'll be back soon, this isn't the end of us. I just know this job will make me lots of money." He ended.
"I love you, Kelso, Don't miss me in Chicago." I said, tears becoming visible.
"I love you too, Rosie. Don't miss me too much in Point Place." He said, driving off with a tear going down his cheek.

And that was the last of michael Kelso I've ever seen. All his stuff was gone from our room. There was no trace of him left, unless you count Taylor.

The apartment has been awfully quiet. It's not right.

Sitting eating breakfast one day, I came up with an Idea.

"Fez we need a roommate."
"I was thinking the same thing."
Fez and I kept out beds and got an extra one for Hyde, we knew Jackie could bring a bed.

Yeah, we decided on Jackie, since she needs a play to stay anyway, also she was Taylor's 'nanny' so it's benefit. It won't be too bad.

Then considering Jackie being with Hyde, we let him stay here too.
Moving day was horrible. She has so many boxes. Thank god Hyde just had a couple. I texted her and told her she couldn't bring too much cause we were also sharing a room with a baby.

I mean once it was all unpacked it was all clothes, so it could've been worse. We decided to put Taylor with Fez, she loved him anyway.
It was nice having Jackie around. She listened to music with me, helped me get clothes, cried with me, and watched a movie with me.

I was ready for more adventures between Hyde, Jackie, Fez and I.

Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter, it was just a little filler, and I apologize for making Kelso leave but character development is key soo. <3

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