-thirty five

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Fez is with his crazy girlfriend, crazy Caroline, and I can't stand it anymore. Neither can anyone else in the apartment.
After yesterday, Caroline came to the house, which meant I had to hide with Jackie in our room for a couple hours Hyde was still at the record store.

I decided this would be a good time for ruining Fez's night, and making the rest of my life better. Which is without Caroline.

I walk out of the room, holding Taylor. I walked to the kitchen and loudly made a bottle to feed her.

"WHO IS THAT?" Caroline scream filling the house.

And just like that, she'll break up with Fez. Bye Crazy Caroline, don't let the door hit you on the way out.

The door did hit her on the way out, I stifled a laugh. Fez's brown eyes were filled with anger.

"Hey look the wizard of oz! Jackie make some popcorn!" I said, sitting on the couch.

"Rosie, you son-of-a-bitch, why did you ruin my date?" He said, with a sassy tone.
"Fez, she's crazy. But you know who's not crazy? Any other girl." I told him, with a convincing tone.
"You're right, I need to find a woman. You want to help?" He asked.
"Of course Fez!"

Now Jackie and I get to find someone for Fez. I think this will be fun.
I woke up in the morning, and went to make myself some coffee before I went to work. I decided to quit the accounting job and worked with Hyde at his record store.

I can't turn down and opportunity to take records for free or just discounted. Also now we can carpool.

As I poured the brown liquid into my cup, Jackie came running up to me.
"I found the perfect girl for Fez, Aubrey."
"Oh my god, who?"
"Her name is Chrissy, she works at the television company I worked at."
"That's great. Have him meet her at like a restaurant or something."
"Perfect." Jackie said, before running to the telephone.

Hyde started walking toward the door, oh shoot I have to leave. I gave Taylor to Jackie before grabbing my coat to head out.
After a long day of work, I got out the stash from the office and had a circle with Leo, Hyde and Randy.

"Randy, hows you and Donna doing?" I asked.
"Good, I love her man." He said grinning.

I'm still not used to them being together. I'm happy for them, but it isn't Eric. She was made for Eric, not Randy. Though he's super chill.

Hyde was just complaining about him now living with Jackie and how it's weird, which I didn't give a shit about so I called Jackie to pick me up.
Jackie got there and we drove home. She talked a bit about how Fez met Chrissy, and they were perfect for each other.

I was so happy for them. Fez deserved some happiness for once. I hope this girl doesn't screw him over.

But all this relationship talk had me thinking of Kelso. Oh how I missed him. I usually couldn't call him since he was so busy but I decided I should tonight.

Jackie told me she thought he was cheating, because he's been 'too busy' and also he's Kelso. I can't believe it, he could never do that.

I decided to think positively about it, planning my call with him in my head before I got there.
I dialed the number, my hand shaking hitting the buttons. I brought the telephone up to my ear, hearing ringing. Someone picked up.

"Hello?" A female voice said.
"Brooke?" I said, shocked.
"Yeah. What's up?"
"I wanted to talk to Kelso. Why are you in Chicago?"
"Moved in with my mom before I gave birth to Betsy. And I'll put him on the phone."

I began to tense up. Was Jackie right?

"Hey baby. What's up?"
"I don't know, how's Brooke?" I said, angry.
"Rose I promise I'm not cheating on you, I can't explain what we're doing though."
"Whatever, Jackie was right. Bye Kelso." I said hanging up.

I sat down with tears of anger and sadness came streaming down my face.

Jackie came and sat by me and I gave her a hug. She sat there and comforted me. Man, she's so nice now.

"Next time I see him, I'll slap him." She said.
"It's fine, I'm probably overreacting. I just need some sleep. I said pulling the covers over me, falling into a deep sleep.
Jackie POV:
I was angry. I thought Michael had learned from this. Aubrey is so sweet and doesn't deserve this. You know what, I'm going to call him.

Before I called him, I went and told Fez and Steven what happened. They was shocked too. We walked to the phone and dialed his number.

I placed the phone between us. Steven could tell I was nervous, and he intertwined our hands.

Fez just placed his hand on my shoulder showing platonic sympathy.

"What do you want now?" Kelso said.
"What do I want now? You're the one cheating. You cannot act like this." I said, in my bitch tone.
"Okay, I'm not cheating on her Jackie. Brooke is helping me." He admitted.
I took the phone to my ear.
"What do you mean?" I said as he explained.
"What? Wait, are you serious. OH MY GOD MICHAEL." I responded to him as he talked.
Rose POV:
I woke up to the sound of Jackie squealing. I walked to the living room and we made eye contact.

Her eyes went wide, looking like a deer in headlights. Fez looked the exact same. Steven just had a frazzled look on his face.

She put the phone down, quick. She kept eye contact the whole time.

"Rose you trust me right?" She said softly.
"Of course I do."
"Michael is not cheating on you."

Hiiii everyone, did y'all like this chapter? I hope you did. What do y'all think is going on with Kelso? <3

Also what should I write about next?

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