-twenty seven

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I think going to Texas was a good idea. I reunited with my family and got figure out what to do work wise, trying to find a job perfect for me for when I get back home. I was able to get many offers from how many things I do, which helps me know I can do stuff when I return to Point Place.

I do have to say it was a long ten months. It was mostly spent in my temporary room listening to records, finding new bands once I got tired of the old ones.

I lived in my stretchy pajama pants, with a t shirt of Kelso's . I surprisingly didn't put on lots of weight, but I kept a good shape.

I'm just happy I called Donna and Fez once a week for life update. I was very happy to hear Eric and Donna got engaged and how Fez is no longer a virgin. I'm happy he did find love though Jackie and Hyde did split, they will get together again I can feel it. I was told I missed a great high school year.

After being there for eight months, I began to feel that penetrating pains from my uterus. It was finally time to get this child out.

I went to the hospital, and It was a good hours of waiting and waiting. I had a baby girl and knew since day one I wanted to name her Taylor. Taylor Meadow Rose. Kelso? I'm not sure yet.

Kelso has been a complete idiot. He's been subconsciously checking out girls but knowing he can't because he loves Rose so much. I really want to just tell him what's going on.

I've also have missed her so much. I'm excited to see her and her baby. Just then I got a call.

"Hey Donna!"
"Hey Rose. Did you have the baby yet."
"Yeah! Her name is Taylor. How's life in Point Place?"
"Good, but boring without you. Also can I tell Kelso now?"
"Yeah, see you in a month."

Wow, it was really that easy. I went into Eric's basement to see what everyone was doing.  I'm just happy everyone was down there so we could all capture his reaction.

"Hey Kelso."
"What's up Donna."
"Are you excited for Rose to come back?"
"Rose? Your girlfriend?"
"Oh yeahh. Yeah I miss her."
"Well you should."
"What? Why? She's only at a job thing, she'll be back soon."

"I can't believe he bought it." I told the group.
"Wait, did she lie to me?" Oh crap I forgot he was in the room.

"Well..." I said
"Well Rose, y'know." Eric said.
"Who's gonna tell him?" Jackie said.
"Fez you do it." Hyde said.
Fez sighed.
"You see, Rose left to stay with her grandparents, yes? She left because she... she umm... she had your child."

We all turned to see a shocked, confused, but upset Kelso.
"Why didn't she tell me?" He said.
"You would've ran out the door or passed out." Jackie said. He pointed stating it was true.

He knew he couldn't be upset, what he knew it he needed to support her. Thank god he has that job as a chef. I gave him a hug.

"Is it at least a cute name?" Kelso said. Oh this will be fun.
I told Rose the reaction and she laughed so much. We just talked about life and now she was coming home in just one day.
It was finally my time to leave. I packed my stuff and Taylor's and placed it in a car.

I put Taylor in a seat and my mom drove us in her new volkswagen van, like Kelso's but blue.

We drove all the way up to point place in just a couple days and we went to the hub, like we used to do when I was a child.

I was hoping not to run into anyone, and my dream came true. It was late, so I wanted to surprise my friends in the morning.

My mom drove up to the Forman's and they were out at the hub most likely.

"Okay Rosie-Posie, I need to leave tomorrow, so I'll stay in a motel. Would you mind driving me there since I'm gifting you this car."

WHAT?! THE CAR IS MINE. I've always dreamed about owning one.

"Mom, don't worry about it, stay in my room with me and Taylor, and anyways it'll surprise more people." She knew exactly what I meant.

We went through the basement slowly sneaking in with suitcases.  For some reason they had the lights off and I was hit with the smell of cannibis.

I made it halfway up the stairs until Taylor bursted into tears, making them turn on the light to see me, Taylor and my mom. Thank god it was only Eric, Donna, and Fez.

They ran to me, hugging me and just screaming my name. Then, they met me go upstairs because they knew how tired I was.

I walked upstairs and got greeted by Red and Kitty, that's when I gave the cue for my mom to come up.

Kitty was shocked and so happy to see my mom. It was a nice to see them happy together. It was funny, Kitty was making Red sleep downstairs so the two could catch up.

I had a conversation about Taylor with my basically parents. They though it was a pretty name.
I surprisingly slept well. Kitty and my mom insisted on them taking care of the baby for me so I could get a night of good sleep.

I woke up and took a shower, it felt nice to have good water pressure again. I woke up to a greatly made breakfast from my mom and Kitty. I fed Taylor and we sat down before my mom left. She told me she'd see me soon before Kitty took her to the airport.

I went downstairs and hung out with Fez, Donna and Eric and we just caught up. Jackie and Hyde came in and they continued to talk with us. Just then, Jackie saw Kelso about to walk in, to for the second surprise.

I hid behind the shower, Kelso coming in like it was any other day.

"Hey is Rose home?"
"I think she's in her room, what's up?" Eric said.
"Nothing, I just miss her. I also wanted to give her this."
They all awed at the gift, but I was oblivious of it. His back was toward me to I stood behind him knowing he wouldn't turn around.

"Well what else is going on?" Jackie said.
"Well I sold some stuff to help give Rose some money, I'm just happy to see her."
"Then turn around." Fez said.
"Kelso!" I screamed.

His body flipped toward me. He got so excited and picked me up. I kissed him.

"I'm so happy you're home."
"Me too."
I took him upstairs to meet his daughter. She had just woken up and was calm. I picked her up and gave her to Kelso.

"She's beautiful. What's her name?"
"Taylor. Taylor Meadow. I think it'd be cute to call her Tay or T though."
"You're totally right."

I was just happy how supportive Kelso was with the baby. I just wished he lived with me to make it easier to help with her. Maybe one day.

I hope y'all liked this chapter, since it's summer i have more time for writing, so more updates soon! <3

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