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(9 years later)

It's been a while since I've seen all of my friends. Kelso and I have been married for 8 years now, and we've had three children, and I'm pregnant again. We moved to a bigger house since we needed space, but everything is going great.

I call Donna everyday and she tells me about Point Place. Her and Eric later had gotten married and moved into the old Pinciotti house. She tells me about how her and Eric are doing with their twins. She gives me all the LOPP's gossip which is pretty good. I just love her and Eric are doing what makes them happy.

I also occasionally talk to Hyde. In fact, he's visited me and Kelso a bit. He usually tells me about his job, how dumb everyone has been acting, or how him and Jackie are. He said he might propose soon. I'm so excited for them!

I'm also so happy Fez and Jackie still talk to me. They're very happy living still together in the apartment, with the addition of Hyde, and Fez with his girlfriend Chrissy.

Once in a while, the Forman's call and it's very nice to see they miss me. Kitty gives me some recipes to cook and I give  her all the gossip in my town. Red always talks to me about the packers or teaches me ways to give children constructive criticism.
OkAy back on with the story:
It's been a long day at work. I went to the grocery store and was ready to go back home. I get into my light blue Volkswagen Van to see I had mail that read to Michael and Aubrey Kelso. I grab it, wondering what we'd been invited to this time.

I open the door. "Michael, I'm home." I turn to see him hanging out with our kids. By that, I mean all three of them attacking him.

"Taylor! Christina! David! Get off your father." I said sweetly but demandingly. They all look at me and head upstairs toward their rooms.

Michael turns and smiles when he sees me. "Hi baby." He says kissing my cheek. "Look what we have here." I said holding the envelope out. He opened it to see we had our high school reunion coming up.

"Sweet! I haven't seen most of these people since ten years ago." It makes me happy to see he's ready to go back to point place. "I mean, why do we have to wait that long to go back to point place?" I say.

Chicago is fun, don't get me wrong, but I really miss all my friends, and I want my kids to grow up where I did too.

"What do you mean, Rose?" He asked, not understanding anything I had just said. "What I mean is, maybe we should move back to Point Place. I miss our friends and the environment we were around there. It couldn't be that bad." I said, pecking his cheek.

"Well the reunion is in 4 weeks, maybe we can have found a place by then." Kelso smiles. I'm so ready for the next weeks to come.
Since I'm now on maternity leave, I've been looking for houses when I'm sitting down.

When Kelso comes home from work, I've been showing him what I really liked, trying to make sure we live near our friends.

We couldn't seem to find the perfect house for us and our family. I had began to grow stress with the situation.

"Michael, what if we never get to move?" I had said, with the tone of defeat in my voice. "I just found the perfect one." He said, with a sigh of relief.

He refused to tell me the address, but showed me pictures of the house.

It was pretty big, had some pretty cool rooms. The house seemed familiar, but I couldn't piece it together. I smiled, "You're right. It is perfect." kissing him.

We sat down and watched a rerun of gilligan's island with the rest of our family.
Kelso and I have mostly gone shopping for this event all week. We finally settled on something simple.

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