Chapter 50: Fighting the Darkness

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Jago sat crossed-legged on his bed, meditating. With Orchid's friends moving to the GCF HQ, General Wilson provided quarters. The room comprised a twin-sized bed, an oak-smooth desk, and a lamp. Two slide-in curtains concealed the window, blocking most of the sunlight. A computer desk with drawers remained bare.

Jago remained in his position until his closed eyes switched to despair. Visions invaded his mind, exposing ruined cities and humanity destroyed. The image then shifted to the Tiger Shrine at night. Bluish-white fire lingering in the torches instead of regular flames. A dark being sat in front of the bell, calling for him.

Jago snapped his eyes open, regaining his composure. The first vision...I'm aware of what will happen if Gargos claims victory. The second one, though, what does it mean?

He departed from his quarters and headed to the leisure room. The news continued the coverage of the interdimensional threat. The corruption around the planet was increasing than depleting. Bluish-black portals kept popping in numbers, with the occasional red gateways. Jago glimpsed at the opening door as though he sensed a presence.

"It's all right. I don't bite."

"The hell? How does he know we're here?" George whispered. Jago smirked, though hidden behind his mask. Eventually, George and Sue stepped inside the room. "It's getting bad out there, isn't it?"

"Yes, unfortunately. Each time we close one gateway, two more fill in the gap. It'll be a matter of time before Gargos enters our world."

"I don't even wanna think about it."

"Same here." Sue wrapped her arms around her swollen stomach.

Jago studied the mother-to-be briefly. "You're worried about your child, aren't you?"

Sue nodded. "More than anything. She's the only thing keeping Tommy's memories alive with me."

"You have my condolences. Carrie told me some things about Prom-your boyfriend in particular. I'm sure he would've been a good father. Can I ask you and George something? Thunder, Eagle, and Orchid found posters with Carrie's picture smeared with 'Burns in Hell.' Why?"

George and Sue glanced at each other before the former spoke. "I wouldn't say she has done nothing wrong. No one liked her because of her mom. In every town, village, or city, there's always that one nut. Margaret was our town's nut and religious too. If she takes one look at you, for example, she goes on a ranting spree. Rumors also spread about them-horrible ones."

"What kind of rumors?"

"Well, there is one about Carrie claiming how the world would burn in Hell."

Jago raised an eyebrow. "Did she say that?"

"That's still under debate. Things would be different if Margaret didn't homeschool Carrie. Not that we have anything against it."

"Carrie never mentioned that. What prompted her to go to a public school?"

"Neighbors complained of yelling and screaming at the house. So much that the state pulled the plug," Sue said. "The officials threatened to take Carrie away if Margaret didn't comply. Not that it made any difference."

Jago couldn't imagine that grim reality, but something concerned him. What happened that convinced the state to stop Margaret's teachings? Before he could ask more questions, the T.V. blasted with the current news. The screen showed a portal hovering over the Himalayas. He narrowed his eyes, reflecting on the vision involving the Tiger Shrine.

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