Chapter 2

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Time passed but the fog stayed outside of course. I pull out my leather bound book and flip through the pages, reading over battle strategies that've worked in the past with other clans. "What's your name?" He asks suddenly pulling my attention from the book to him. His elbow rested on his bent leg while the other was straight. I ignore his question and look back at the pages with a heavy sigh. We don't know their weapons. So far they've only got knifes and axes, possibly makeshift swords. They obviously don't know how to use them. "I'm trying to be nice here." He says with a grumble. My eyes meet his and I blink twice signaling confusion. We fall silent once again. I pulled out a lead pencil and began to sketch out a map of the area with 'X's' where the villages here in our forest. Whimpering came from the small girl and both our heads turned to her. Bellamy was quick to wake her up, "Charlotte!" I block out the rest of it. My hands flew over the blank pages trying to figure out a battle strategy for people we don't even know are enemies. Trikru is lenient towards other clans in these cases. In my opinion, we should've killed them as soon as they landed. But something pulled me to be kind. The leader is a kind yet hard headed ass who thinks of only himself and his sister. But I have nothing against that. I'm the same. I'd die before my brother could be harmed. Sadly when it comes to torture, I'm not aloud to speak or give any information of our Clan so I can't tell them to stop or anything. I'd have to watch one of my people get hurt. Dumbass rules. A sizzling noise followed by the smell of burning flesh filled my nostrils. "Ah dammit!" I look at his hand and sigh, "It's not gone." He tells me in a joking tone. I silently laugh and drop my materials on the ground before standing and stepping closer, making him step back. I sigh again and pull the swords off my back and place them quietly on the ground as to not wake the sleeping child. I hold out my hand for his and watch him place his burnt hand in my own. I step closer and pull out some ointment from the small pouch inside my jacket. He watches me with kind eyes as I slather his hand in it then continue to wrap it in a cloth I always kept on hand. "Thank you." He muttered still watching me. I look up in the dark but smile.

In the morning I was the first one out of there. After passing the dying boy Bellamy had been traveling with I sprinting up the trees and towards our cave to see if Lincoln was alright. But something wanted to pull me back to the boy I was with. But I kept going. When I made it to the cave I let out a heavy sigh seeing Lincoln pacing the room, "Lincoln." His head faced me and his pulled me into his big arms, "Were fine. Did you lose anyone at their camp?" I ask him.

"No, you?"

I nod, "I don't know of his name, but Bellamy seemed close to him." Lincoln nodded as if knowing the person. "Lets report back to Heda, and check up on the village." Lincoln and I are towards the camp hearing shouts from the Skaikru clan. We enter the village and see everyone already back at work farming and training the young ones.

Alec runs at us and hugs Lincoln first before hugging me for much much longer. "I'm glad you're alright." He muttered into my ear.

I push him back, "Thanks. Let's go Lincoln." My brother nods and we step past the boy.

"Am I invisible?!" He suddenly shouted making the two of us stop along with the camp.

I spin around and face his anger that radiated off his body. I look around and shout, "Get back to work!" I look at Lincoln and nod towards Heda's tent then look at Alec, "What's wrong with you?" I growl stepping close to him. Alec suddenly grips my arm and yanks me in the direction of an empty building. He shoved me into a room and pins me to the wall, lust filling his eyes.

I shoved him away from me, "Am I just nothing to you, James?" My face goes to confusion. "All you Do is follow orders! Don't you see that I'm in love with you?!" He what? My mouth fell shape and I produced nothing from my mouth.

"Alec." I finally spoke, "I don't love you. You're just my friend! I'm sorry but that's the truth!" Before I could react he slammed be against the wall again, his lips on my neck roughly kissing down it. His arms pin mine above my head so I kick my knee into his stomach and shove him back with my newly freed arms. "If you touch me again, I won't hesitate to murder you where you stand." His eyes are angry and full of fire as he slowly stands up and glares at me. My hand grabbed onto the doorknob.

"You'll be mine one day, James. There's no doubt about it." I slam the door behind me and storm from the building visibly steaming. I barreled through the village and back out into the forest towards Lincoln and I's shared cave. I didn't care if someone heard me or saw me. I felt disgusted and dirty. I don't cry but I really wanted to. I just wanted to sleep so that tomorrow I can bathe and never see Alec again. It was so sudden and I wish I saw it coming. I felt my body sudden stop and stare out at the falling night. Trees surrounded me and I knew I was close to the Skikru camp. But I couldn't move. The feeling of his chapped lips still sat on my neck. His hands on my wrists. I look at them. Bruised. I didn't notice but he lusted for my body so bad that he bruised me. I'm a warrior. This shouldn't be bothering me. But it does. The fact that a man forced himself on me is what scares me. The fact that I didn't kill him after scares me.

He scares me.

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