Chapter 5

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Sobbing surrounded my ears and I wasn't strung up anymore. I laid on a cot probably in the same place I was strapped up to the ceiling. He told them the antidote. Dammit Lincoln. My eyes flutter open and I look around Seeing Lincoln sobbing beside me the cot still chained to the wall nearby. I sit up and catch his attention, "Oh thank you." He muttered hugging me with the unchained hand. I quickly hugged back, feeling the stickiness of his blood on my hands and arms. "Never do that again." He whispers to me before pulling back.

"I'm fine, what happened while I was out?" I ask him looking at the patches of gauze covering his body.

He shakes his head and touches my waist, "It doesn't matter. You're fine."

The latch opened up and Clarke came in with Bellamy right behind. Lincoln and I turn our heads, "Grab her." Clarke ordered the guards that climbed from the hole. The boy Miller And Another guy grabbed my arms and hoisted me to my feet. I still felt weak from the poison so there was no way of fighting back in this condition.

Lincoln struggles to grab at me while I'm being taken down this hole. "Leave her alone! Please! She's my only family!" That idiot. Clarke and Bellamy follow me and the guards to another level where I'm thrown to the ground in a heap of pain. The wrap around my chest becomes loose and I quickly cover it up still laying on the ground. They talked behind me but I paid no mind as I tried to find something to cover myself up, only to find nothing.

"Let her go? And tell her people what we did to that guy? No Clarke." Bellamy commented still not seeing the distress on my face when the wrap became looser and looser.

Clarke scoffed, "I know, but we can't just keep her here. She seems smart and can probably kill us all in seconds without being so weak cause of that poison." That's true. I could kill them...if I wanted to. But I don't. Anja May want to but I don't. Neither does Lincoln, it's obvious he likes the girl Octavia and I doubt she'll forgive him if he killed anyone of her people.

I tried to pull the wrap closer to my body but without the body strength it doesn't work. There's a sigh and then shuffling followed by Bellamy placing his jacket over my shoulders. My eyes met his and he smiled at me softly. I returned it with a slight nod just before pulling the jacket over my chest to hide it from sight. Bellamy looks back at Clarke, "We can't. Plus look at her, we can't cover he clothes and weapons back cause she'll kill us." Not true. "I'm not sending her through those woods without clothes." He crosses his tanned arms over each other and continuously glanced to me who watched them with confused eyes. Why would you even consider letting me go? I wouldn't even leave without my brother.

Clarke presses her hand to her forehead, "Let her take the jacket." My eyes went wide. Anja would kill me. Literally. I'd be cast out as a traitor and stuck on a post to be killed. Bellamy looked at my fearful face causing Clarke to do the same, "Why does she look so scared when I said that?" She muttered to him. I have to speak up.

"They'll kill me." I said for the first time. Their eyes go wide at my soft voice compared to my terrifying demeanor. "I'll be killed for betraying my people." I slowly stand to my feet, still holding the jacket to cover my party naked body. They watched me amazed at my strength after near death, "I'm not leaving without my brother."

Bellamy looked relaxed and relieved when I said that. "Your brother? The grounder upstairs?" I nod still hating the name grounder. He let out a heavy sigh and looked at Clarke who crossed her arms and looked at my state.

I let out a shaky breath, "Just let us go to our home." I begged to watch the wrap finally fall off my chest and onto the floor. I pull the jacket tighter around me, feeling exposed in front of these people I don't know.

Clarke pulls Bellamy towards the entrance of What I assume is the dropship and they talk in whisper tones. I look around the room in hope of finding some kind of shirt, to no avail. I pushing my arms through the big jacket and held it together once again. It fell mid-thigh, making me realize how small I am compared to the large man who gave this to me. I touched the cold metal walls incuriousness. Before I could roam any further a hand gripped my shoulder and spun me around. Bellamy towered over me with a kind smile. His eyes trailed to my hand that still held the fabrics together. He reached to the bottom and pulled up a zipper letting my hand go free, "Better?" He asked. I nodded, "Good, Clarke is going to find where Miller took your clothes and armor. We're gonna give it to you and then put you with your brother again. Okay?"

I nodded and smiled, "Thank you, Bellamy."

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "How did you know my name?"

I chuckle and mess with the long sleeves, "We've watched the camp since this...thing landed." I gestured to the metal surrounding Dropship right? I think. "I'm James." I introduced my name with confidence and sternness.

"Well James, I'm glad I got to meet you." He smiles with his hands on my shoulders, "One thing, Who was that guy at the river?"

I sigh remembering that encounter. I suddenly feel afraid but warm with his hands gripping both shoulders. "H-He um...That's Alec, he tried to force himself on me more than once." I say the last part in a whisper. I felt his grip tighten on me, "But it's fine. I always am." I look up and grin looking into his green eyes. A soft smile placed itself onto his face.

And I smiled just as much

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