Chapter 14

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Third Person

"NO!" Bellamy shrieked, catching James before she hit the floor. Tears rolled from his eyes when she wouldn't wake up. He looked at Kane, "Why would you do that!? She protected us!" He shouted in anger. John rushed for try and stop the blood to no avail. The two were pulled from her limp body forcefully. "No! James! James please wake up! Please!" He screamed while being dragged through the woods. But what they didn't know, was an old friend watched from above at the dying girl they knew as a warrior to never lose. James wasn't one to lose. And she wouldn't. Lexa jumped down and immediately started to fix the warrior. The bleeding stopped slowly but she had a small chance of living. Lexa carries the girl to her village and passed James to Nyko who felt bad for the girl. Knowing moments before he'd patched her best friend up who also held him hostage. Nyko laid James on a table in his tent and started to sew and stitch her bullet wounds. Both holes had an exit wound but he worried that she wouldn't fully recover. This was something he knew nothing of. And knowing that no one protected her angered Nyko more and more. But that anger dispersed to sadness. James has yet to know her brother is a Reaper. And would never be coming back. Nyko left the medical tent and found his family close by. This village he lived in was small and quiet. Everyone was peaceful. And everyone knew who was in that medical tent.

James was known for keeping this specific camp safe. When Lincoln was on a different mission she stayed with Nyko and his mother as a child. As she grew up, the camp knew who she was and thanked her for helping in times of need. She took care of the kids, fed everyone, and kept them safe. And now it was their turn. Everyday someone was posted at the tent in case of an attack. A week passed and there was no movement from the blonde. Her wounds were healing quickly and she started to recover. James was going to live. And that's all anyone needed to know. And then that day came. The day Finn, Murphy, and Bellamy came into the camp. But only one was on a rampage.

James was in her tent asleep with children telling stories to her. They looked up to the woman, wanting to be exactly like her. Someone stood at their post outside and shouted for the kids to come out and run. "Run!" The man shouted at the kids, grabbing James and running away from the men aiming bullets. Nyko took James and held her protectively against his chest.

"Get down! Get down!" Finn shouted at everyone. They followed the orders waiting for someone to do something for an excuse to shoot. "Murphy check the houses." He ordered looking at each face and memorizing the fear.

Bellamy looked in horror, "Finn you need to stop! They aren't here!" He shouted. Finn ignored the man and shot one of the people. "Finn!" He shouted, pulling him away from the weapon. Murphy came back looked at the grounders spotting a familiar unconscious face.

His eyes widened, "James!" He shouted running to Nyko who held her tightly. Nyko stood up and backed away from Murphy who understood. "Bellamy!" He shouted, "It's James! She's alive!" He shouted pointing to the girl. Bellamy looked at the girl and nearly collapsed in relief. Nyko slowly walked over and handed the blonde over gently.

Nyko looked at Bellamy, "Please...keep her safe." He told her. Bellamy nodded and backed up. But Finn started to shoot. And he didn't stop until so many people were dead in the floor. Bellamy shouted over and over until he stopped. Soon, Octavia appeared angered and confused. She looked at her brother wide eyed. Bellamy shook his head, "Let's go back to camp." He tells them.

"Not until I find Clarke!" Bellamy sighed and left him there alone. The group made their way towards Camp Jaha. Octavia looked at James, so pale and lifeless. This wasn't what she wanted to look like. Weak and dying. But she kept walking. But Bellamy looked broken. He had seen her nearly die right in front of him. But she was alive. But how? No one was there to save her. At least what anyone could see. Something that Kane would never understand about the ground was the people. They were strong, so strong that even bullets couldn't stop them. And James was the proof of that. They knew every inch of the forest, these grounders can kill anyone in seconds with a single swipe. The group stopped at the gates as they were slowly opened. They stepped in and paused seeing Clarke running towards them. She was alive. She hugged Octavia first but paused when she saw James. "Kane shot her." Bellamy told Clarke, "He made me leave her. I didn't know she was alive." His voice cracked saying those words.

"I'll get my mom." Clarke told him. He nodded and followed her into the ship and where the medical bay had been assigned. Abby walked over and had Bellamy lay her on a cot, "This is James. She's out protector." Clarke explained.

Abby sighed and looked at the two wounds, "She looked okay. Healed as well. I don't know why she hasn't woken up." Abby explained to the three standing next to her. Bellamy found a chair and sat down, holding the girls hand tightly in his own. So fragile that she might just shatter under his touch. "Clarke, come help me with other patients." The blonde nodded and did so quickly. Octavia stood with her brother waiting silently.

"Let's go." Octavia told her brother, forcing him away from the sleeping girl. Bellamy nodded and slowly stepped away.

His heart broke.

Her heart healed.

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