Chapter 15

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Third Person

Two months Later

The camp was settled in. Those who survived Mount Weather are now surviving the ground. Everyone was pardoned for their crimes and placed in there own groups. But one girl remained the same. For the past months James as stayed unconscious and unmoving. Her wounds were healed and she was stable, but she hadn't opened her eyes once. And the more time passed the more worried Bellamy came. She stayed in her own room, asleep. Bellamy visited all the time, as well as Octavia who was grateful for her friend. Lincoln wasn't allowed visits. After he was once human again, the Ark refused to trust him. But one fateful day, while Bellamy, Octavia, and a few others were out looking for the other Ark stations a miracle happened in a small room.

James POV

A gasp of fresh air escaped me quickly as I sat up. I looked around at the room and knew where I was. Camp Jaha as they called it. On the way was a sketch of Lincoln smiling, made by Octavia. "What happened?" I muttered to myself confused. I felt no pain but I knew I'd been shot. I stood up and opened the metal door keeping me enclosed. The hall was quiet and empty so walking through it would be a breeze. Well that's what I thought it would be. "Wheres Bellamy?" I asked myself.

"Hey!" I jumped and whipped around, ready for a fight. I came face to face with the man who shot me. "James right?" He asked in a less aggressive tone. I nodded, "I'm sorry for shooting you." He apologized, "But we need to get you checked out." He gestured time the hall. I nodded and followed him through the curvy walls, seeing more and more people watching me. Soon we made it to a larger room, my people were scattered around with bubbling skin. I looked around and gasped seeing Nyko and his family.

"Nyko!" I exclaimed running to him. Nyko's eyes shot up to meet mine. He hugged me tightly holding my head in his hands. "I'm so glad you're okay. What happened? Why is you village here? What's this?" I asked pointing to his bubbling skin. He slowed my panicked breathing before explaining. Fish were dying. People were being burned by rain. And I was asleep for two months. Something was happening and no one could stop it.

"James." I turned hearing my name. A woman walked to me, "I am Abby, Clarke's mother. Mind if I take a look at you?" She asked me cautiously. I nodded and followed her to an empty cot next to a familiar red head. The curly haired girl glanced at me then to the floor. Ignoring the action Abby did what she called "a checkup". I looked at Nyko, worry filling her eyes, "You want to know what's happening." Abby spoke suddenly.

"Yes." James answered looking up from her spot, "Please tell me...what's happening to my people?" I commanded in a soft tone.

Abby sighed and sat down next to me, "Do you remember why we left earth?" I nodded remembering the stories I'd been told. A radiation bomb wiped out the human race, except for one. Primheda. She saved the human race. "It's happening again. We cannot go back into space. Yet." I waited for her to continue, fear bubbling up in my chest, "Only 100 people can fit in this ship. Everyone else...must stay."

"And die?!" I exclaimed shooting up from my spot now seeing I was in a large shirt and a cloth like pants. "You're gonna kill everyone on this planet to save your damn selves." I stated staring at her.

Abby stood with her hands facing me, "Now James-," I cut her off.

"No!" I screamed, "I'm done here. This isn't my camp." I growled lowly, "Where are my things?" I asked her. She waved me in a certain direction. A leather bag sat with many others. I dug through and pulled on my muddied clothes then secured all my weapons.

"Now James." I hear the mans voice appeared behind me. "If you leave, you are no longer apart of this camp." He tells me. I stayed silent as I turned around ready to leave. We stare at each other for a solid minute. Silence was in the room, nothing could be heard. Then a shout came, and silence again. The two of us rushed out to the main part of camp. We faced the gates, no longer against each other but working together. The gates slid open and a large thing rolled in. I prepared myself for a fight but who climbed out surprised me. Bellamy, Octavia, Jasper, Raven, and so many more I'd never met. Kane's eyes became wide staring at these people. But I saw those masks.

"Azgeta." I muttered staring at then, ready for a fight. All eyes looked at me and the warriors were ready for a fight. "What are you doing on our territory?" I growled staring at them.

"James..?" I hear someone question.

The woman up front walked forward slowly, "We are from the Ark. We hid for our own safety." I hummed and stared at them waiting.

Octavia stepped forward, "It's true, James." I eased up slightly but didn't release my weapon. Octavia suddenly grinned and sprinted over, hugging me tightly. I hugged back tightly, "God we missed you...Bellamy the most." I pushed her back with a grin and felt another person hug me. Clarke. It went on like this, people who knew me came and hugged me.

Then Kane grabbed me, yanking my hair back making me scream out in pain. "Hey! Get off of her!" Clarke shouted. Kane pushes me to the floor, my knees sinking into the mud. "Kane!" She shouted as a gun cocked.

"Touch a hair on her head...and I swear I'll kill you." I grinned hearing that familiar voice. Bellamy. I heard stomps and then silence. This could be the end, but there's no way he'll let me die.

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