Chapter 11

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I hissed when John pressed a rag to my cheek bone. In the time we'd been stuck together, we've been taking care of each other. Learning about ourselves, and I taught him a few things of our native language. He wants me to teach him how to fight, but between our daily beatings, that's probably not gonna happen. "Suck it up."

"Shut up." I laughed, pushing his shoulder lightly. I looked at the door and raised a brow, "The door's open?" This is a trap. Lo-And-behold someone storms in and rips me from John's grasp. "Wait! John!" I shouted, scrambling to get out of his arms.

"Jay!" But it was too late. I was dragged out of the room and back outside where I was placed on the pole for the second time today. Everything blurred after that.

"Jay? James can you hear me?" My eyes fluttered open and John's face came into view. He smiled seeing my eyes. "Hey, were getting out of here." His arms slipped around my body and I'm heaved into a bridal hold. My head leaned against his chest and I focused on his heart beat.

"J-John..?" I croaked out, looking up and into his soft and fearful eyes.

"Sh, you're safe now," I hummed feeling his warm breath on my cheeks. His feet moved and I bounced with the footsteps, weak and unable to move. I coughed loudly and turned my head to spit it out onto the floor. "You're staining my shirt." He whined.

"Shut...up." I croaked with a small smile. "Where-Where are we?" I asked trying to pick out where we were. He shrugged his shoulders before he walked towards a blurred vision wall. "J-John...I'm gonna die..."

"No! No you're not! You're gonna be fine!" But I didn't see or hear him after that. The black abyss filled my sight and I floated with a smile. The pain is gone and I felt happy. But the sun is gone. My brother his gone. John and Bellamy aren't here. This isn't where I want to be.

Third Person

"James? James wake up?" John begged the young girl, shaking around her fragile body. Tears pooled in his eyes, "No! No, please!" He shouted sprinting towards the camp gate. The doors opened and the weakness gave into his body. He dropped to the ground in front of his own people who watched with anger at the sight of the boy. The girl rolled from him, unrecognizable to anyone except him.

"What are you doing here, Murphy!? And who is this?!" Octavia shouted, kicking the nearly dead girl. John jumped and grabbed the upper half, holding onto James as if she was his only lifeline left. "Take them to the drop ship." The Blake ordered. Murphy is forced from James who is picked up gingerly and taken inside. Murphy was sat in the drop ship watching James who laid bleeding and half dead on a cot across the room. Clarke has begun to help him, but he protested and told her not to help him.

"What is he doing here?!" Bellamy glared storming into the drops hip, But John didn't look at him. His eyes are trained away from the screaming teens and on the silent one. Her chest rose and fell slowly, she looked as bad as the first day they met. He hair is matted with dirt and mud, the tattoos had been carved off her body leaving back scarred flash. "Who's the girl?"

"We don't know, Murphy hasn't looked away since they got here." Octavia answered, looking between the two. A sighed escaped her mouth, "He might love her." She muttered. John didn't hear them, his focus was trying hear her heartbeat from across the room. Blood had soaked James' shirt and a streak of red rushed down the side of her face. She looked so peaceful, and that scared John so much. He knew James as strong, beautiful, funny, kind, and caring. Now she was silent and straight faced. The blue eyes he'd grown to love were under her eyelids that didn't move for what seemed like days. "Murphy," his head slowly turned to Octavia Who crouched Down, "How did you get out?"

"The door was unlocked." He replied, a dead tone filling the room before he looked at the girl again. He twiddled his fingers and stared at her. Something about James just pulled him right in.

Bellamy looked over to the girl, "Who is she?" Murphy didn't reply, "Murphy Who is the girl?!" Bellamy pressed, hoping that she knew who James was. He'd been worrying about the girl since she was taken back to her people. If it wasn't for Octavia he would've fallen apart.

Murphy blinked, "The one person to care for me." He replied not turning his eyes away from the sight. Confusion raised in Bellamy's body as he looked at Murphy again, seeing the tears that threatened to fall. He never knew John Murphy could feel. No one knew that. James is the one person to ever save him from his past. James is the one person who can save him from himself.

Is anyone even reading this crappy book? Don't get me wrong I love to write it. But if no ones reading it I'll go on a hiatus.

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