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I still haven't posted.

There's a reason for that.

So we rent our house from a family friend and we all planned to buy the house. Instead she screwed us over and we have 90 days to move out and find a new place that will allow dogs.

Because of this my stress has become overwhelming.

I feel as if my body is shutting down.

But I am working on an original story. It's called 'Discovery'. I haven't gotten too far into it but I personally think it's something different from what I have written before.

Here is the description:

The girl pushed a long strand of hair away from her bland looking eyes then let out a heavy sigh in slight annoyance, "I asked you a question." Her mother growled, looking at the bag in her tanned hands. "Where are you going?"

She looked up into the beady eyes of the woman and spoke in a calm and nearly emotionless tone, "Anywhere, away from you."

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