Chapter 12

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Third Person

James' eyes fluttered open, her eyes trailing around the curling seeing the familiar cracks above her. She coughed dryly and pushed to sit up, only to be pushed back down by John who wouldn't leave her side. She hadn't been awake for more than a few seconds before she noticed the sick teens around the drop ship. James forced herself to sit up, "What happened?" James asked her friend looking around.

John sighed, "You pretty much died, Jay." Her eyes widened at the news and she turned to him surprised. "We found out I had some kind of virus, and everyone is crying or vomiting blood." James looked around at the sick teens in sadness, knowing exactly what the plan had been. But she wasn't supposed to survive. That's the downfall of Trikru. Her eyes landed on Clarke who stared at her in realization of the girl she'd suddenly become fond of. Instead of staying where she was, James stood and limped to Clarke seeming to silence the room.

"James..." Clarke muttered seeing the weakened girl. She'd seen her stabbed and hurt but never like this.

Before Clarke could race for the Blake siblings, James grabbed the blondes arm stopping her. "Clarke-," she coughed blood into the floor after speaking. James swiped her mouth and stood straight, "We need to destroy the bridge." James spoke strongly.

"What do you mean?" John asked her, confused on how she knew Clarke.

"This is how they fight." She told Clarke, knees becoming weak from under her weight. "They weaken your and attack when your guard is down. They'll be here soon."

"James how do you know this?"

"Cause I made the plan." James told the two, turning and finding a jacket near her bed. She slipped it on and pulled on some boots also sat there. Her clothes were revealing but she didn't care. Suddenly a commotion came from outside causing Clarke to rush out along with Miller and James. Guns were pointed, fear was evident. In the midst of shouting the Blakes tried to push apart the crowd. James grabbed the gun from Miller and shot into the air silencing everyone. "Shut up!!" James shouted commanding everyone.

"Who the hell are you?!" Someone snapped.

"My name is James, and this is what they want from you!" Her voice was terrifying, "Trikru weakens your forces! They want everyone to turn on each other!" She shouted, holding the gun to point to the ground but not letting go. James walked into the grass and neared the crowd, "Everyone needs to prepare for war." Shouts followed her sentence immediately. A fist swung towards her but she stopped it with ease, "I am on your side." The boy backed away seeing her fierce blue eyes. Octavia noticed those piercing eyes and new exactly who she was. Bellamy knew from her voice. He knew her voice soft yet always commanding. "Don't attack your allies. Now. If you show any symptoms go into the ship. I am immune. Otherwise get to work." James ordered the group. The teens nodded and split up, leaving James, Clarke, Bellamy, Miller, and Octavia. Miller took his weapon and also got to work. James finally breathed out relief feeling safe. John pat her shoulder and she nodded to him reassuring him and herself. "Octavia." James suddenly spoke, "Where's my brother?" She asked her. She grinned and walked forward wrapping her small frame around James. Bellamy soon joined holding the girls tightly. They were family. Somehow during the short time on the ground, the 2 pairs of siblings had somehow ended up loving each other more than anyone could imagine. The three pulled back and Octavia began to lead James to her brother. Upon walking into the dimly lit cave, a sad man sat staring at something on the wall. A carving of their names, "Lincoln." Her voice cracked saying his name. His head whipped around at the voice and immediately they were in each other's arms. Octavia smiles at the siblings happily, before her face became serious when the two backed away. Lincoln and James communicates with each other quietly. Octavia waited for the two to speak to her.

Lincoln looked at Octavia and spoke softly, "Warriors are coming. We must destroy the bridge." He told her while James searches for armor and weapons in the cave. "Find Bellamy, Tell him this." She nodded and sprinted away. James slipped off her ripped clothes and put on some new ones. She prepared for battle at the bridge. Lincoln nodded at James and ran out, she followed soon after but taking a different path. Below her she could see 4 people running in the same direction. Bellamy and A new girl has a jar of liquid and the other two, Jasper and Monty, we're ready to shoot. James jumped down in front of them forcing their path to stop. Her blonde hair whipped behind her in the wind as she ran onto the bridge. James stopped and waited for the new comers to appear. Warriors appeared and began the attack, she refused to let them through. James threw men off the bridge and in the process was told to run back as fast as possible. Without hesitation she sprinted into the forest and ducked behind a rock as a large explosion appeared. James gasped in fear and covered her head, feeling rocks hit her small body. Silence followed and she looked around for Bellamy. A scream for help forced her to sprint to the feminine scream. Her eyes landed on the brunette trying to lift the heavy man onto her shoulders. James grabbed his waist and lifted him with ease.

"James..." she heard him mutter. The brunette James didn't know looked in surprise at the grounder holding this man. She thought they were enemies. James started to walk towards camp, trying not to force him to bounce in pain. She heard his groans in her ear and in fear she wakes faster until she was back at camp. "...James." He muttered again.

James only whispered, "You're gonna be fine, Bells." A small smile appeared on his face hearing her voice. James laid the man down and started to treat the growing illness in his body. He tossed and turned, groaning and complaining of heat. James only held his hand and waited for the fever to settle.

Okay so, this has taken so long because I forgot about my account. So here is a new chapter.

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