Chapter 8

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James POV

This damn man threw me over his shoulder. The asshole carried me all the way back to camp with his friends watching in confusion. "Bellamy! Put me down!" I shout at him wiggling around in his right grip.

"Stop moving!" I sigh and hang lifeless in defeat. "I'm surprised you haven't stabbed me yet." I could hear the smirk in his voice.

I scoff and lean myself up on his back with my elbow, "If I hated you, I'd gladly separate your head from your spine." Monty smacked my arm making my head fall against Bellamy's back. "Hey asshole, don't touch me," I growl, my eyes meeting his.

He was quick to retaliate, "Hey grounder, don't kill my people."

"I didn't kill your people."

"You're a grounder, it's what you do."

"If it's what I do then why are my own people trying to kill me?" Silence fell over the walking group, "I don't have people." I tell the three. No one spoke for the rest of the trip but when Bellamy entered camp with me over his shoulder shouts of glee followed. Octavia made eye contact with me and stared scared for my life.

Bellamy entered the dropship and placed me gingerly onto the ground, "Bellamy what is she doing back here?" Clarke's voice pulled us to look at her, a glare set on her face. Probably from nearly killing her boyfriend.

"She saved my life." He said, watching at the campers walked in and began to circle the three of us. Most stayed close to me as to make sure I didn't attack even though I won't. I honestly just want to leave and not get myself or anyone else killed. "James-," He was quickly cut off with a scoff.

"James?" Hello Finn, wish you were dead at the moment, "SInce when do we call the people who killed ours, by their first name? Huh? She nearly killed me!" He exclaimed grabbing me by the collar.

Bellamy ripped Finn from me and took a threatening step forward but my arm was quick to stop his movement. My eyes met his for only a second before mine averted to Finn, "I'm leaving." I spoke in English for the first time surprising them all.

Clarke grabbed my arm before I could walk out, "Why? To tell your people the weakness's of the camp?" She growled.

I look at her with my piercing blue eyes, "If I did that, I'd die." My voice is emotionless yet soft with the words.

"Wait Lincoln said that you were pardoned." Octavia suddenly spoke up from the group. Clarke's arms released mine as I stare at my brother's girlfriend in confusion. Heda doesn't pardon people unless it's a mercy killing. "Why would he say that if it wasn't true?"

"Why are you being hunted in the first place?" Miller asked now standing beside Bellamy.

I sigh, "Who do you think left the map behind? People watch from the trees. I'm dead if I don't leave-,"

"But you were pardoned!" Octavia exclaimed.

"Heda doesn't pardon people!" I say back in the same tone. My thoughts wander, why would Lincoln say that to Octavia. He hates to lie. "Oh my god..."

"What?" Clarke asks me as a tear rolled down my face. "What is it?"

Finn growls, "Why does it matter!? She's a killer!" Octavia smacked his head repeatedly.

Without a second thought I run out of the ship and look at the trees, I haven't been pardoned, because Lincoln was the one turned in. And Alec is the only I know of who would turn him in and not me, Lincoln wanted to protect me. The dumbass just pretty much sold me. And if I'm right, Alec would come here to 'claim me'. "So you've figured it out."

"Who is that?" A person asked trembling at his new appearance. Blood covered his face and fur clothes. He's not human anymore. "That's not a grounder."

I pulled out my weapon of choice. A throwing dagger, "Leave now, Alec. Before I have to do something I'll regret." He laughed manically and pointed a weapon at me. One of those gun things. Where'd he get one? Now, who's faster. "Everyone goes inside," I order, watching as everyone sprints inside other than Bellamy and Octavia who are idiotic enough stay. "We both know I can throw a dagger at perfect aim."

"But what about a bullet? Think you'll win against one of these?" Without hesitation, my arm flew forward as his finger pulled the trigger. A pop rang out and we waited for one to fall. He did, lifeless with my dagger in his chest. Blood trickled from my shoulder but I had yet to feel it. "Your fight is over."

"She's bleeding! Get her inside!" Bellamy shouted while Miller lifted me up and pulled me inside. I'm losing blood fast. So fast I didn't know that Clarke was even in my flesh until she told me so. Everything faded in and out for moments until darkness fell over me and the searing pain stopped. I was dying.

And I'm okay with that.


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