Chapter 13

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James POV

"Is he going to be okay?" I hear Octavia ask me from behind. I hummed, dabbing his forehead with a damp cloth. His breathing was short and quick, but he would be okay. "James?" Octavia asked me in worry.

I stood and turned to her with a smile, "He'll be fine. I promise." And I never break a promise. She breathed out and took my spot beside him. I sighed out and turned to the sick kids around me. If they can't survive us, they can't survive anything. I spotted the brunette across the room and approached her, "I don't believe we've met. I'm James." I held out my leather covered hand and she shook it firmly.

"Raven." She replied with a smirk, "So James..." Raven led me outside and began to ask me questions about our planet. We got along perfectly. She showed me electronics. I have no idea what that means but it looks cool. I showed her how to use a weapon.

"James!" I turned hearing my name. Bellamy races over and lifted me into the air holding me tightly. Confused I hugged his neck and wrapped my legs around his waist. "Oh my god you're okay..." I furrowed my brows and let him carry me to his tent before he sat me down.

Confused I told him to sit down and relax, "Bellamy are you alright?" I asked him, standing inches away. My heart began to beat fast as he stared into my eyes. My face flushed but neither of us moved or spoke. Debating on our next move. I cleared my throat and backed up in fear, "How are you feeling?" I asked him.

He shrugged, "Much better." He told me with a soft smile. I nodded and stepped away from the tent silently. I heard him heavily sigh from the inside, but he didn't follow. Octavia suddenly rushed over and grabbed my shoulder tightly. She dragged me to Clarke, Finn, Raven, and John.

"What's wrong?" I questioned the group. Bellamy soon approached, standing near Clarke. I waited for someone to answer, but the Sky answered for me. 4 massive boxes fell from the sky. I stared in confusion and quickly climbed to the top of the tree nearby. All of them landed loudly and harshly, the camp was in panic. "Everyone calm down!" Clarke shouted waving me down. "The Ark is on the ground!" She shouted. I've heard of the Ark. Apparently they made contact with us not too long ago. I don't understand how but they did. People were cheering but were terrified. They are criminals on this "Ark". I sighed out and made my way into the forest to my cave. Lincoln was already preparing for his trip to the nearest box.

"Lincoln, you ready?" I asked, slipping my leather onto my shoulders. He nodded, handing over a newly sharpened weapon. Before we could leave Octavia came in, "Go back to camp." I ordered.

"Where are you guys going?"

"Go back to camp."Lincoln told her nodding at me to head off. I ran past the brunette and leaped up into the trees. With each jump I made a mark, like a trail for Lincoln. I reached a clearing where a group of people were setting up these wire walls. I furrowed my brows and jumped down, hiding in the brush as I approached.  So this is the Ark. It's huge.

"Hey!" I froze. A weapon was pointed at my head. "Who are you?" I stood up, my hands raised above my head. His face stayed straight when I didn't answer. "Take it to the airlock." I didn't make an expression as I'm pushed forward into the walls of this camp. People watched me intently. I was the enemy they hadn't met. I'm pushed into a small room and stripped down to only a small layer of clothing underneath. They took note of the weapons and immediately tied me to a bench. "Tell me who you are." The man above me snapped, his long black hair was slicked up and then back. A woman was frowning at me from afar. "Where is your camp?" He asked, "Where is the dropship?" I again didn't answer. He threw his fist into my face but I made no noise. I didn't show weakness. Hours passed and by the end of it I was bruised and bloody, and he was angry. He left me alone for the night and I continued to stay silent. People stood at the door, holding similar guns like the ones back at camp. These people are like us, terrifying. Fear rose in my body knowing these are the people that cared for my new friends. But then again, they were locked up for "crimes". I didn't sleep that night. I just waited for them to come back and question me again. And when they did, instead the man tied my hands behind my back and walked me back through the camp. "You're gonna show is to the dropship." He ordered. I didn't say a word but did as told. If this is what will keep them safe then I will do it. We walked in silence for a while and when we reached the camp sight my eyes widened. Burned bodies everywhere. The smell was horrid but the sight was so much worse. The man and a couple of guards went into the ship and came out with only Raven and John. Raven was shot. Both were restrained. Anger bubbled up in my body at the sight. This is how you protect them? John tried to talk to me asking me what had happened but I stayed silent.

"Shut up!" My eyes widened and I stopped hearing that accent. My head whipped in the direction of those two words.

John noticed me, "James what's wrong?" He asked me in worry.

I snapped the ties off my hands with ease and ran in the direction of the words. "Get her! Don't let her live!" I heard them shout behind me, but I was quicker. Ahead I saw a horse, a reaper, and two bloodied boys on a trail. I jumped up a tree and leaped onto the Reaper. I growled and snapped his neck with ease, watching him fall off the side of the horse.

"Your fight is over." I spoke softly and then climbed off turning to the boys. My eyes widened and I cut the ropes, "Bellamy? Finn?" I said in a normal tone.

Bellamy grinned and lifted me into a hug. We spun around before he sat me back on the ground. Neither of us could speak when a pop rang through and blood dropped from my shoulder. A second pop. In my side. "NO!" I fell.

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