Chapter 9

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"You need to calm down Bellamy, she's going to be fine." That was the first thing I hear when I became conscious, I only remember being hit and then bleeding.

There's a heavy sigh, "I know but I can't help but worry." Bellamy replies to who I assume is Clarke.

A new voice blurted in and I already knew why she was worried, "You like her." Octavia points out. I could here her smile when he scoffs and grumbles something quiet. "I knew it!" Theres more grumbling right after.

I decided to open my eyes and sit up, not even feeling the pain in my shoulder. "Shut up." I say forgetting that they couldn't understand me.

Clarke rushes over and tries to push me back down, "You're in pain you need to rest."

I shrug her off and stand up, "I'm fine, been through worse." I tell her, grabbing the clean armor beside the bed and slipping it on. They watched with wondrous eyes, "I need to go find Lincoln." I say grabbing my blades and sheathing them.

"Lincoln? What's wrong with Lincoln?" Octavia questioned immediately rushing over to me.

I sigh, "I honestly don't know, god knows what Alec did. But knowing how he is-was-Lincoln is probably on a post or banished to his freaking cave home." I groan out the last part while tightening the belts on my body.

"How are you not in pain?" Clarke questioned me poking my shoulder. I shrug her hand away and walk through the camp, people shouting at me in many directions. But I just stormed from the camp, "Hey! Where are you going?!" The blonde shouts after me.

"Im holding myself back from killing you."

"Lincoln?! Lincoln are you here?!"
I exclaim rushing into the dark cave.

"James?" Lincoln rushes into my arms and I hold on for dear life. He buries his face into my wounded shoulder, "When Alec told me he was gonna..." he trailed off.

"He didn't." I say pulling back, "I only got a small stitch up from Clarke." He smiles placing both hands on my face and admiring it. I smile softly and move around him, "Let's rest." Lincoln nods and strips his armor while I do the same. We lay down down and just sit there in silence. He was the first one asleep and for the first time in a long time, I was at peace. The only reason was because Bellamy and his stupid smiling face was stuck in my head. And why would Octavia think he likes me? I'm a fucking murderer. I was told not to care but I do. Ugh I don't like this. Bell cares too much for me and Octavia cares too much for Lincoln. We're gonna be the first ones to die, meaning we're gonna cause all the heartbreak. Octavia is Lincoln's Rock, Lincoln is Octavia's rock. One without the other won't end very well. Bellamy is just there for me, and I'm there for him. We both have a hot temper so you can just imagine the explosions.

Had to cut this short. Sorry for the randomness and horrible story so far.

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