Chapter 3

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I woke up the next morning and dressed in my armor with the hidden weapons littering my body. Lincoln has informed me of my day off which is rare. So I took the chance to go to the river nearby. The walk was short but my body was worn from the sleepless night. The river was clear and the river snake that lurks in it had disappeared for the time being. I stripped down my armor and weapons until I'm left in my shorts and wrap that protect my chest when I'm battle. I pull off the wrap and sink into the cold water. I let out a heavy sigh feeling it surround my body. My first instinct was to scratch at my neck and then my entire body. He hugged me multiple times. No trace can be left. But there was anything in my body besides mud and dried blood. Deciding to clean the armor was the next step. I shook myself dry and felt eyes on my back as I re wrapped my chest while using my feet to soak the cloth parts into the freezing water. The eyes continued to watch my scrub the armor still in the wet shorts and braided hair. "You're the grounder in the cave." I tense up. I'm vulnerable. My body quickly grabs onto one of my swords and points it towards him. He holds his hands up in defense, "Woah, hey, I'm not here to harm you." Slowly I place the weapon back where it sat then continued to scrub. He walks over and admires the river as I work. The chapped feeling itches my neck and I slapped it suddenly. He made a confused face, "Something wrong?" I shook my head. And continued on occasionally touching my shoulders or neck. Bellamy was kind enough the ring out the tank top and pants that still soaked in the water before hanging it on a low tree branch. I soon did the same with the wet armor. "You've been touching at your neck all day, what happened?" Why does he care. I shook my head and sat on a rock with my legs crossed over each other. I took in a deep breath of the fresh air and touched my neck again, feeling the awful feeling over my body. "I'll be going now, Mystery Girl." His footsteps faded only slightly into the woods, meaning he's watching me from the forest.

New footsteps pulled my eyes into their direction. I tensed up and stood up on the rock glaring down on the person. My hand went to my back and I froze. My weapons are yards away. "Can't get away from me now." Alec growls huskily nearing the rock I stood on. I jump down, feeling the rocks dig into my thin skin on the palms of my feet.

"What did I say last time?" I growl kicking his chest and watching his back hit the rocks. He flung daggers in my direction which I easily dodged and eyes his sword while he stood up. "Don't make me call for my brother."

He smirks, "You didn't say anything to him the first time." I smirk hearing the footsteps of my brother following his words. Alec's face falls at the sight of my angered brother.

"She didn't have to."

Lincoln threw the unconscious body Of Alec over his shoulder while I dressed myself back into my armor and clothing. Bellamy has left when the fight started. But he stayed. A bracelet weaved from stems sat beside my books. I chuckled and slipped it on before looking at Lincoln, "I'm heading back home. See you later." He nods and I walk back out into the woods. Screams of anger came from the direction Of Skaikru but I ignored them and went home. I played with the girlish bracelet that had been left by Bellamy. Lincoln didn't come home until late that night, informing me the boy names Murphy has been turned into Trikru and is currently being pried of information. Charlotte is dead and Bellamy's cool head finally gave way. We stayed silent rest of the night. I laid down and turned my back to him my thoughts as blank as a sheet of paper. I didn't sleep that night. Instead I stayed awake until Lincoln 'woke' me from sleep. We dressed and went our separate ways. Lincoln went to inform Heda while I watched the camp. Shouts came from the opposite direction, and me being curious I followed through the trees. "Hey Shooter! Where's my radio!?" The new girl shouted pointing at the stone faced Bellamy. What's a Shooter? And a radio?

"It's too late." He muttered looking down at the girl. The boy Finn and the blonde girl Clarke watched the two amused as she pulled information from the guy. I shifted from tree to tree making sure to keep silent the entire time. "In the river." He finally gave in telling this girl where this radio is. They searched the small creek that they called a river.

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