Chapter 4

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Upon entering the cave my eyes landed upon the unconscious girl my brother had become acquainted to. Her hands are chained to her side while he fixed her leg. "What the hell did you do?" I growl at him as the fire burned brightly in the dark cave.

"James, she fell and hit her head." He tried to reason while standing up and moving to the desk of ointments and poisons with antidotes. "I wouldn't hurt her, you know that."

I sigh and press the palm of my hand to my forehead, "I know that, what happens when Anja finds out?" I say sitting down onto the stone floor. He shakes his head and worked on something at his desk while I wrote in my journal.

The girl wakes up and looks around fearfully, "Where am I? What's going on?" She looked around once again. My head turned and I looked at her with a stone face, "You're the grounder my brother talks about." I stand up with furrowed brows. Lincoln seems to glare at his hands. "Yeah, you're blonde with pale skin and these tattoos over your body right?" I dont answer but she gets it's true. Lincoln and I stay silent for a while longer. She watches us roam around the cave. Her eyes usually training on Lincoln as he is quite handsome. And you're probably confused how I have pale skin while my brother has tanned. Different fathers, same mother, but that doesn't mean a thing. When night began to fall Lincoln left leaving me alone with the girl. She watched me strip off my weapons and plant them in a bag I kept beside the door. "Could you loosen these?" She asks me softly. I shake my head. She's not my prisoner. When Lincoln came back she used a rock and knocked him flat on the ground. I heavily sigh and slid the keys beside them, "Thank you." She mutters.

"O?" I turn my head and watch a trio of boys walk in. One of them immediately attacks me. This one's Jasper since I haven't seen him yet. Finn stood beside him and watched me defend myself. Bellamy Hugged his sister while I ran to my brother and check his head.

"You." Bellamy growled glaring down on me. He raised his axe and I was quick to shield Lincoln's body from the blow. The axe never hit me.

"Don't! She didn't even know I was here!" Octavia shouts at her brother. "Let's just go, please." Lincoln's eyes fluttered open just as something hit the back of my head. I fell to the side groggy yet conscious. My brother threw a dagger into Finns ribs and I instantly knew he regretted it. He was again knocked to the ground. Bellamy ran to me but Lincoln strokes my head with a soft smile. I return it before my eyes fluttered shut letting me succumb to the darkness around me.

I woke up with a jolt. My hands were tied in a star formation. Across from me is Lincoln standing straight with his arms in the same position. His shirt is gone leaving him barefoot with black jeans on. I look down seeing I'm in my shorts and the wrap around my chest. My eyes meet Lincoln's, "Are you Alright?" He asks me softly.

"I'm fine." I answer him looking around the metal box then stare at the pile of armor against the wall. Suddenly a latch opens up and Bellamy walks in with another boy they call Miller. Another one climbs up with Octavia following. The new one eyed me huskily up and down making me glare in disgust. I look at Lincoln who instantly knows my discomfort and struggles in his restraints, "Stop it. You know you can't do anything."

Bellamy looks at me and noticed how low I'd been stripped down. His eyes go wide, "Where the hell is her shirt?" He growls to the smirking boy.

I don't react to what he replies with next, "Figured we could have some fun with her." Lincoln's eyes flash anger and again he thrashed around. My face stays straight as Bellamy punches Lincoln in the jaw. "She's a killer, why does it matter what happens to her?"

"Get him outta here Miller." The miller boy was quick to get rid of him. He looked at me with saddened eyes then to Lincoln. "Who are you? What'd you do to my sister? How many of there are you?" Lincoln stayed silent as we were trained to do. Bellamy grabbed onto a belt, "Don't make me do this."

"Bellamy! He helped me! He didn't do anything!" She shouted pulling her brother by the arm. He simply ordered two guards to drag her from the room. "Bellamy! Bellamy please!" Her shouts go silent when the latch it shut and some kind of leaver keeps it in its place.

Bellamy turns from Lincoln to me and gets very close to my face, "I know you understand me. How many of you are there? Where is your camp?" I stay blank and stare into his handsome face. Black hair fell over his green eyes and a mixture of sweat and dirt covered his face. He lets out a heavy sigh and turns back to my brother, whipping him in the stomach with a rope with a piece of metal at the end. Lincoln grunts and waits to see if I give a reaction. While in my mind I was crying, as my brother was asked questions and then was whipped for not answering, but in reality I stayed stone cold. The pain of watching the one thing I care for bleed for whatever reason. Suddenly banging came from the latch, "Let her up." And In came Clarke holding the bloody dagger in her hand. "What is it?"

"It's been poisoned." She growled then looked to me and pointed it close to my throat as a threat, "Where is the antidote? Where is it?!" She screamed. When I didn't answer she questioned my brother, getting the same reaction.

"Clarke..." Bellamy warned when she held the knife towards me once again. Her hand trembled with tears streaming down her face. "Clarke, think about what you're about to do."

Clarke glared back at the boy, "I know what I'm doing! She needs to know how he feels!"

"She'll die! And that'll be on you!" Bellamy exclaims back. He stares at me with a cold face but worried eyes. Why worry? If I'm dead I'm dead. If it means Lincoln gets to live I'll gladly die for him. I look at Lincoln who had tears in his eyes. I grin, "She's smiling?"

Clarke cuts an X into my collar bone with the poisoned knife, "No...James! No!" He lashed out seeing me cut. Clarke jumped back at his sudden outburst.

"Biga Bro." He stops and looks at me with a tear stained face, "my fight is over, Big brother."

He broke down in tears at the sight of me smiling, "Please...Please don't give up on me."

"Tell me the antidote and she lives." My surroundings starts to become blurry. And the voices become muffled. The one face I see is Bellamy's trying to keep me awake.

"Live for me, big brother. Tell Heda About Alec. And give him a hard punch for me."

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