Chapter 7

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Third Person

Bellamy Blake. Friend. Brother. Enemy. And now, selfless for someone he doesn't know.

James. Fighter. Sister. Lover. And now, terrified of who she might become.

These two are from different worlds, and yet they stand together. James was trained to kill. Bellamy was trained to protect. Neither were trained to meet each other. Bellamy stares at the blonde girl with shock in his eyes. She had her back facing him, trying to hold the tears in her eyes. James has to leave her brother. Her home. "I won't let them." He finally spoke, sternly. But he knew he couldn't do such a thing. If James was taken, he'd have no idea what to do. She knew that too.

"You can't, Bellamy." His heart fluttered when she said his name. Even under such circumstances, he couldn't help but blush. "I'm sorry, but I don't wanna have this conversation anymore." James spun around and faced him, a lone tear trickling down her cheek. Bellamy held in the tears, hoping none would fall at the sight of such a beautiful girl crying.

Her feet crushed the leaves as she tried to pass him by. But he grabbed her arm sternly, "Don't leave me..." He muttered looking down at her. She squeezed her eyes tight. Tears had rolled down his face without him even noticing, but she did. James couldn't stand it. She couldn't. She hated watching those she cared for cry. "Just promise me something." James looks up at Bellamy with a nod, "Promise me you'll come back. Promise me you'll never forget me, or your brother, or Octavia, or any of us." She stares at him with wonder in her bright eyes, "They don't need to know who you are, but I do." He begged her with tears eyes. "Promise me you won't forget me."

She smiled, "It's impossible to forget the one person who cares for me." He returned the smile, his heart fluttering at the sight of her. Bellamy wanted to kiss those smiling lips, without a reason why. She was just a grounder to him...right? James turned her gaze away from him and towards a random tree. She had felt eyes on them for some time now, "Jay?" Her heart jumped at the nickname but she didn't show the reaction.

James hushed the man and gazed over the trees, trying to find who's out there. Silence filled the forest, a rarity with the birds and animals. Her eyes scanned the area. Long range isn't good for her. Bellamy and the camp had guns back at camp, but she didn't know that or even what a gun was. "We need to run..." She muttered, counting the people in the trees, seeing that they are outnumbered.

"What?" Bellamy says aloud without thinking. He looks up to the trees she'd started to spin in circles to look around. But he found nothing and honestly became concerned. Before he could react an arrow shot itself in his direction. James was quick to tackle the boy to the ground.

"Run!" She shouted, grabbing his hand and sprinting though the trees, hearing the multiple voices of her-Lincoln's people running right behind them. Bellamy was quick to catch himself over the fallen branches and attempt to weave like the girl ahead of him. More arrows flew into the ground ahead of them in attempt to kill. "Bellamy!" She shouted spinning around to face him. "You need to go back to your people!!" She shouted, pulling him behind her smaller body. Her swords were held out in front of her as she began to fight off the men.

"What?! I'm not leaving you here!" He shouted helplessly standing to side. He didn't know how to fight like she did, he didn't have a weapon, he didn't have anything to help.

James swiped her sword across one of their throats then stabbed another straight through the chest. She turned her head to look at him, "I'm not about to watch you die, Bellamy!" She shouted kicking her enemies back. "Go! Bellamy!"

"They'll kill you!" He shouted back, finally jumping into the fight and punching one of them repeatedly. James presses her back to his and they repeatedly pass around the men. Both of them breath heavily as they fight until pops of gunshots are heard. James and Bellamy jump at the sudden noise and spin around and face the people. Bellamy let our a sigh of relief and turned to James who stared at the weapons in confusion. The grounders around them fell lifeless to the forest floor, and that terrified her.

She watched a grounder jump down from a tree and attack one of the boys. She threw her sword and lodged it into the persons back. They fell to the side and she grabbed her weapon, sheathing both weapons and eyeing the ones that had killed so many in seconds. Getting a better look Miller, Monty, and Finn pointed at her. "Bellamy, walk over." Monty ordered, shrugging the gun so it motioned him forward.

He looked at James who showed no fear, and yet she wanted to scream for her brother. "What? She's not a threat she just saved your life!" Bellamy exclaimed, his fists turning white. The five didn't notice the sun begin to float towards the sky, giving very little light over the land.

"Go. They're after me not you." She spoke in her native language, confusing the boys. James rolled her eyes, "Let me translate-," her head faced Bellamy, "They're after me, not you. Now go." James pushed Bellamy's shoulder forward in a playful way. The guns lowered and aimed towards the ground. They were confused at their friendly banter. Just a few days ago they had her locked up and she hadn't killed them yet.

"You just said-," she cut him off.

"I know why I said! I'll be dead by tonight if I stay here any longer, Bellamy!" He stares down at her before making a decision that could turn his own people and James against him. Something deep inside his gut made him believe that she wouldn't shove her sword through his chest. Bellamy looked at the guards and took a heavy breath.

He picked her up.

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