Chapter 13

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Elena POV:

     Well, guess who is in trouble now? ME!! Fantastic. Why in 7 hells did I decide to sleep in the session? But that is not the problem, the problem is WHY WAS I DREAMING ABOUT CHARLIE? God that is not the first time this happens and I'm assuming that it's probably not the last time I'll dream about him. Anyways back to the point that all of the class was looking at me, which is kinda embarrassing and annoying since I hate being the center of attention it just makes me freak out. I guess I owe Judy one for waking me up, but let's just face it I'm so dumb like who sits in the front and sleeps, in what universe does this make sense.

     "Miss Dallas, would you have the courtesy to tell me what I was saying?" Mr.Salvatore said.

     "well, umm, ahh, umm, to be honest, I wasn't paying attention," I said.

     "Well, detention," Mr.Salvatore said. Oh shit, I've never been in a detention room before, I've always behaved well. Oh god, what am I gonna tell my parents, they are gonna be utterly disappointed in me as I've always been the perfect girl, with the straight A's and outstanding GPA. And I was saved from all the looks and being the center of attention by the bell, let me admit this to you this is the first time in my whole life that I'm delighted to hear the bell ringing, it just sounds so sweet as a symphony. I was so distracted while I was walking that I didn't even notice me bumping into a hard solid wall, WAIT, a wrong alert that is not a wall ladies and gentlemen that is a human and when I looked up I found these familiar pair of ocean blue eyes that you could get lost in, and I realized it was Dylan. That explains why the wall had muscles.

     "I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going," I said.

     "Nah, it's okay," Dylan said smirking. I wonder why is he smirking.

     "Okay, I'll catch up with you later because I have to go to find Judy's lunch ....time," I said.

     "Elena this is not lunchtime we still have one more session before lunch." He said.

     "Right, I have to go anyways and I will catch up with you later. Sorry again." I said while face-palming myself and lecturing myself silently about the fact that I should think about what I am going to say before talking and also thinking WHY WAS I SO NERVOUS AROUND HIM GODDAMN IT. I don't know what's happening because, when I am around Charlie I may act tough and act like all I feel towards him is just pure hatred but let's face it I feel a little bit nervous around him and my palms get sweaty and all this high school drama that I am not ready to get involved in. And that was when I realized it I am falling for both of them. I felt lost.

     "Hey, Elena you okay?" Dylan asked.

     "I'm sorry what were you saying?"I said.

     "I said can I join you in lunch since I don't have lots of friends here?" he asked. I felt sorry for him but STILL, I feel like if I agreed it would be so wrong. I was about to decline when Charlie decided to involve himself in the conversation.

     "No, you can't." He said as if he owns my life.

     "Why not?" Dylan asked annoyed.

     "Because she is sitting with me," Charlie said.

     "WHAT!!" Dylan and I said at the same time. Okay, I have the right to be surprised I mean didn't he act like I was his girlfriend, oh wait that was in my dream. Anyways why was Dylan surprised?

     "No, I am not," I said.

     "Yes, you are." He said.

     "No, I am not and you have no right to tell me what to do and what not to do, you are not the boss of me PUTH, so wake up and look at yourself in the mirror because other girls might be falling at your feet begging to be a one night stand but guess what I am not one of these girls and if you ever thought that I would be one then you don't know me. But there is one thing you need to know which is that I will never lower myself to someone like you, you might think that you own the school because you are the football captain and you are the school popular guy and you walk around the school hall and make demands like you own the place but guess what this ain't your house so you could go around and give people demands and if they didn't do what you asked them to do you bully them so wake up you are not everyone's dream boy and you are not mine and don't give me demands again BECAUSE I AM NOT YOUR GODDAMN PUPPY, so go find another chick I am pretty sure that she will be delighted to oblige. Oh and Dylan you can join us at lunch." I said feeling like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders and at the same time, I felt guilty.

     "Is that what you think of me?" Charlie asked looking broken.

     "It's what everyone thinks of you," I said looking down and he did look down as well but he looked down like he was ashamed of himself and at this moment I regretted what I said but at the same time, you can't undo the past.

     "Well, I guess you are right," Charlie said then he left. It was lunchtime and Charlie was nowhere to be found and I was starting to get worried but then I thought maybe he took his car and left the school.

     "Hey," Dylan said. I kinda didn't want to look at him right now like this is not the right time for him to come.

     "Hi," Judy said. I was about to reply when Shawn approached us and Charlie wasn't with him and now I was starting to get worried.

     "Hey, Elena have you seen Charlie?" He asked with a worried look on his face.

     "No, last time I saw him was the session before lunch and then he just left I thought he was with you," I said.

     "No, he isn't. Thanks anyway." He said politely, well if every time Charlie disappears he will be nice to me then Charlie better disappear every single day HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. What is so funny Elena the guy is lost. I was about to tell Shawn that I will go help him find him when we heard someone screaming.


     Shawn and I looked at each other with really worried looks on our faces, then suddenly everyone started running out of the Cafeteria and me, Judy, Dylan, and Shawn did the same. What I saw next was unbelievable, I couldn't believe it.


I am so sorry for not publishing earlier than this.

I was trying to make this Chapter taller than 11 and 12 and here you go, guys, chapter 13, the chapter you all have been waiting for.

Oh, one more thing, I ended the chapter on a cliffhanger. It's edited


Lots of love 


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