Chapter 18

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Previously on the forced marriage:

"No, I won't"

"Drop it, Shawn."

"And I said I won't, now you either tell me what the hell is wrong with you or I will go and make sure to tell the coach that you are the one that did this to Scott."

"You want to know, fine."

"Well, tell me then."

"I am in love with Elena."

"You are what?" a voice from behind me said.


Chapter 18

Charlie's POV:

     This annoying high pitched voice, I'm happy that I no longer hear it, still, I forgot all about her, I forgot about her existence and I forgot that I have even dated her. To be honest I would rather it be Elena or Judy behind me and not Sarah because I know that she won't shut up about it and will probably tell the whole school since she is the queen of gossiping in this damned place.

     "I am pretty sure that you heard me loud and clear Sarah." Replied to her, to be honest part of me is still happy that she heard me since she has been going all around the school telling people that we didn't break-up and that we are both are head over heels for each other, now that she knows my real feelings, she can't say anything anymore. Or can she? Anyways that's not the problem right now, because all I know is that she is going to make a scene for no reason and I am not in the mood for that because I know her and I know that she is going to flip out right now because of something that doesn't even exist, which is our relationship, she is going to start shouting saying how dare I cheat on her with Elena and blah blah blah.

     "How dare you do that? You cheat on me after all I have done to you, I have always been loyal and I have never talked to another guy when we were together, I can't believe that you ruined what we all had and that you cheated on me with this freak, I am so disappointed in you, you're not the Charlie that I fell in love with and you will never be!!" she exclaimed. Didn't I tell you that she is going to say that?

     "I made it crystal clear when I told you 3 months ago that I don't love you anymore and that I am leaving you, it's not my fault that you are the one that thought we were in a relationship anymore, just so you know, I am your boyfriend anymore in case you thought differently, which you did." I was very calm which kind of surprised me, I thought that I was going to flip out on her but I didn't I am very proud of myself.

     "YOU ARE GONNA REGRET THIS PUTH, MARK MY WORDS." Now she was shouting, man she is such a drama queen. I am starting to realize that I was never in love with her, it was just a word that I kept repeating to her and I got used to it to the extent that I forced myself to think that I was in love with her.

     "Man she is so annoying, I don't know what you have seen in her that made you date her for 4 years," Shawn mumbled.

     "She is not important now, Elena is and I need to find a way to tell her that I am not the one who beat the living shit out of Scott because maybe I am a bully but I know one thing which is I am not a killer, and no, he isn't dead but he was very close to being dead because what happened to him was a near-death experience and I will never try to do that to a person ever," I said defending myself before Shawn tries to blame me again.

     "Wait what do you mean to find a way to tell her that you are not the one who beat the living shit out of Scott?" he asked and he was serious, he thinks that I am the one who did this? Am I such a terrible person to this extent? Plus, is he dumb, didn't I just say that Dylan is the one that did it?

     "Wait you think that I am the one that did this? Are you for real?" I was furious, he's my best friend, he's supposed to stand by my side and defend me, not accuse me of something that I didn't even do.

     "It's what the whole school thinks Charlie, everyone is believing Dylan who said that he saw you beating Scott and when he tried to stop you, you threatened to kill him," he said.

     "Well, we can go and ask Scott who did this to him because I know who did it," I said with confidence because we could easily go to Scott and he is going to tell Shawn who did this to him.

     "Who?" He was very curious.

     "Dylan," I said.

     "You don't believe me, do you?" I asked.

     "I don't know what to believe anymore man."

     "Well, let's go to Scott and ask him," I mumbled.

.......................Time skip to the hospital cause I am a lazy ass person.........................

     "Scott, hey," I said as I entered the room.

     "Hey man, how are you?"

     " I am great, how about you?" man this was like the torturing thanksgiving dinner that you go to with your family and they keep repeating how are you over and over again.

     "I've been better, anyways, to what do I owe this pleasure?"

     "Well, will you tell my friend Shawn here who did this to you?"

      "Oh yeah sure, it's Dylan."

     "Believe me now?" I asked my eyes glimmering with hope.

     "Yeah, but why would he do that?"

     "I think he took a hint that I love Elena and that I was trying to get closer to her. I am betting he wants her all to herself so he decided to do something that would never be expected to come out of him since he is the new kid and no one will blame him and since I am the bully of the school and the most suspected person, everyone will be 100% sure that it's me and he gets out of it easily."


Dylan's POV:

     If anyone found out that I am the one that did this, I am dead but the thing is no one will ever find out, why? Because I am the new guy so no one will ever suspect that it was me and the blame will be all on Charlie since he is the bully of the school. I should stop stressing so much about it since now Elena is opening up to me and soon my plan will be complete and she will be all mine.


I know that I haven't updated in so long and that the last time I updated was I summer vacation, the thing is I traveled and when I came back, I went to my grandmas and stayed there for like a week, then school started and before I know it I had quarter one exams since I am American international school. It's edited.

Well anyways here is chapter 18 everyone and I will try to update as much as I can.

Lots of love,

Evie xx

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