The Rocking Chair

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I curled up in the big rocking chair
Like I did when I was young
It's not as big as it used to be
I'm not as small as I used to be

There's a part of me that wants to cry
Because I can remember what it was like
To rest my head on the arms of the chair
To use my feet to push back and forth

When I do it now
It's not the same
I don't dream of being a hero
Or living a lavish life of fame

I only dream of love now
Of someone holding onto me
Like a life line
Facing every enemy together

Because I am pathetically lonely
And convinced that I will never be loved
Because I can't seem to let anyone love me
It's my fault and I know it

So I cry
Wishing for the simplicity
Of being a small child
Dreaming in a big rocking chair

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