O6: What They Love Watching You Do

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Xiumin: You Baking
You enjoyed baking desserts, breads, and pastry's and Minseok loved eating them. He loved how you would read the instructions and how you would wear an apron even if you were in sweats and an old shirt you didn't care about. Watching you bake and hum while doing so is when he found you the most beautiful and reminds him of how much he loves you.

Lay: Your Makeup
He would constantly say 'woah' 'wow' and constant compliments as he watched you do your makeup. He found you beautiful without it but he loved the styles you did with your makeup. He viewed it as art and he loved watching you do it. It made you happy which made him happy. His happiness was your happiness.

Suho: Concentrating
He loves how you scrunch your eyebrows together and and bites your lip when you are focusing hard on something. You're in your own little zone and he just finds it super cute.

Baekhyun: You Getting Excited
When you got excited you would jump up and down and clap with a huge grin on your face. You would squeal and sometimes do a small dance. Baekhyun would just love watching you get excited. He found it to be cute.

Chen: You Singing
He might be a tad bit biased, since he is your boyfriend, but he found your singing voice to be the most beautiful sound in the whole wide world. No matter the song, he loved hearing you sing. He especially loved when you sang any type of song with him in it to. I mean, his baby supporting him? What else could he ever ask for?

Chanyeol: You Laughing
He found your laugh to be contagious and would love when you would laugh at his jokes or when he was being a goofball. He loved being the cause of your laughter and would do everything in his power to make you smile/laugh.

D.O: Doing Your Hair
He finds it so fascinating on how you will either jam to music or talk with him while you are doing your hair. He was surprised by how many hair styles you could do. He especially loved when you would put it up in a high ponytail or straighten it. He also found it pretty cool that you would dye your own hair too. He always found it amusing to see your talent with hair.

Kai: You Dancing
Unlike Jongin, you were a terrible dancer. However, you enjoyed shaking your tail feathers. Whenever you would attempt to dance, Jongin would watch, scoff, and shake his head. You were so goofy, and he loved that about you.

Sehun: You Being Clumsy As Hell
Unfortunately, it was a known fact that you were a klutz. You would constantly run into doors and things and trip over things, (including air. Lmfao) Sehun would die laughing when you ever were a klutz. It made you so much more lovable and he was able to help you up. He'd often joke you need to wear bubble wrap or just stay indoors causing you to roll your eyes and laugh along with him.



I updated my EXO preference book finally. I've been busy with work and life but tonight I'm in an update-y mood.

Which section was your favorite? Personally I liked Sehun's bc yo homebitch is a klutz and I tripped over air today while walking to make popcorn and my whole family roasted me for the rest of the night... sad life. Lol


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