13: Song Preference/ Back To You by Selena Gomez

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"What's the point of hidin'? Everyone knows we've got unfinished business."

You saw flashing lights in front of you and Minseok as you were exiting a restaurant. You both had a public and widely talked about break up and you just couldn't handle anymore people talking. You tried to walk back into the restaurant to hide from the reporters but Minseok grabbed your hand and gave you his sunglasses to shield the lights. He whispered into your ear, "just smile babe, no point in hidin.'"


"I know I said I wasn't sure but I would go back to you."

It took you by surprise when an interviewer asked you about your prior relationship with Yixing. "How are you coping?" You took a deep breath as you thought of how exactly you could put this without causing to much of a riot between your fans. "It-it's a process and it's just something I have to work on." You hoped that the interviewer would stop asking since you obviously avoided the question. "Would you go back to him? Be honest." You did an awkward laugh and rubbed your neck before licking your lips. "Honestly.. I-i.. I'm unsure. Still early." The interview thankfully ended and you walked out as quickly as possible. You wanted to say the truth truth which was 'hell yeah' but you wanted to be the one to tell him in person and not some stupid interview.


"And I could fight, but what's the use? I know I'll go to you."

Junmyeon was like a drug that you couldn't stop partaking. He was the love of your life and the only thing that made sense. You tried so many times when you broke up to fight the damn feelings that you had. You even got a dumb boyfriend at one point to attempt to help mask the feelings. However, whenever you saw Junmyeon you would always end up back in his arms.


"You could break my heart in two, but when it heals it beats for you."

You were not expecting to get so attached to this boy. No matter what he would be the reason your heart beat. There were times when he was a dumbass and he would break your heart but no matter what, your dumb heart would heal and still would beat for Byun Baekhyun.


"Every time we talk, every single word builds up to this moment."

When you saw Jongdae at a party, you both decided to ditch and go to a park near by with a box of pizza. He carried the box of pizza to a bench in the park and you both sat down. "Here," he would say as he handed you a slice. You nodded and you both sat in silence until you were both done. "That was good," you said with a smile as you stretched. "Kind of like how we were," he whispered before looking at you. Your heart started racing and you looked at him, "did you say that because you want to get back together or because your reminiscing the old days?" "Can I say 'both?'"


"You know my thoughts are runnin' loose, it's just a thing you make me do."

You both were catching up on a mutual friends couch about a year after you split up. You both were laughing and had glasses of wine. You thought it would've been awkward but it was as if you both never left one another's lives. After a couple glasses of wine, his arm was around you and you were leaning up against him. You played with his fingers as he was looking up a meme on his phone. "Hey, Oppa?" "Hmm?" "I miss this." You covered your mouth as soon as you said it. When you were drunk or around Chanyeol, thoughts would come out whether or not you wanted them too. He dropped his phone and looked down at you. He smiled down at my shocked and embarrassed expression. "I miss this too but not as much as I miss this," he whispered before leaning down to kiss me.


"Playing and replaying old conversations, overthinking every word and I hate it."

Nobody in this world would ever understand the pain you or Kyungsoo felt when you laid in separate beds thinking about your prior relationship. You both would lay in bed reminiscing everything. You would replay memories, conversations, and everything. You both hated the fact that you missed each other. However, you were both too stubborn to admit it. You just thought it would fade eventually.


"You're stuck in my head and I can't get you out of it."

You know those stupid songs that get stuck in your head? Those songs that no matter how many times you listen or sing something new it's still stuck? That's how Jongin was in your mind. He was your favorite melody and but when you broke up, he was still on your mind. He was that stupid annoying song that couldn't get out of your head. It didn't matter how many different men or women you talked too, Jongin was on your mind every night before you went to bed.


"I wanna hold you when I'm not supposed to, when I'm lying close to someone new."

You woke up the middle of the night after having another dream about Sehun. You missed him a lot and after you broke up you realized he was the 'Love of you life.'  You knew it sounded cliche but holy shit was it the truth. You looked over to your side and for a second you thought you saw Sehun sleeping next to you, but it wasn't. It was your new boyfriend. He had his arm around you and you couldn't help but mentally sigh. Even though your new guy was FANTASTIC you could not help but wish it was Sehun holding you.

Wow what a good preference to celebrate this perfect song... APRIL FOOLS! (How the fuck is it April already?!)

Anywhore I love this song omg. Me @ my ex tbh. Too bad he's engaged now :'( but that's chill. I'll find someone eventually lmfaooo.

Anywhore (part 2) I am not that disappointed in this Preference as I thought I would be. Did you have a favorite one? Are you happy this one is somewhat happy? Highkey- I like Jongdae and Chanyeol's a lot.

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