23: Idol Who Introduced You

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First- ily. Sorry I haven't updated since September ish. I've been struggling with life. You guys rock tho.

I also made a new cover

Not the biggest fan but old one was like old and had my old username

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Not the biggest fan but old one was like old and had my old username

Ok let's  go on with the preference

Kai: Mark (NCT/SuperM)

"This reminds me of one time when Jongin Hyung and I," your best friend Mark started to say which made you sigh and roll your eyes. You were so jealous that Mark was not only in a group with your ult but super close. You were so jealous but didn't want him to know that you liked him like that. Mark was a little oblivious with your discomfort and annoyance with his excitement of his blooming friendship with Jongin and continued to talk about him. You nodded as he told you about an instance in America with Jongin, himself, and Lucas which was actually pretty funny. You couldn't help but giggle along with him when suddenly you heard a familiar laugh join y'all. You both looked up and saw Jongin smiling at both of you before pulling up a chair. "Actually, it went more like this," Jongin started then explained making Mark laugh. You would have too but you were star struck. Mark noticed and laughed again... as he does. "Oh, Hyung, this is Y/N by the way. They're my best friend and also really likes—" you quickly covered his mouth while blushing madly. "Likes what?" Jongin asked innocently with an eyebrow raised. Before you could say something, you're giggly best friend pointed at him causing both him and Jongin to laugh and you to cover your face. Mark smiled and patted your back and then Jongin's, "I'll let you guys get to know each other..." he said quickly before running off. You stared at him in disbelief and Jongin scoffed before clearing his throat, "Yeah, he texted me about this... so let's properly meet."

(Ok but real talk, Jongin and Mark is my favorite friendship at the moment

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(Ok but real talk, Jongin and Mark is my favorite friendship at the moment. I love how well they get along. So wholesome uwuwuwuuwuwu.)

Chen: Kyuhyun (Super Junior)

Kyuhyun threw a party out of the blue one day and invited you to come. You both had met a few years ago and developed a rad friendship even though you both had an age gap between you both. You arrived about 30 minutes after it started and Kyuhyun shouted your name and put a beer in your hand automatically and wrapped an arm around you. "You're a fan of EXO right?" He whispered to you. "Depends on what you're planning on doing," you retorted before taking a sip of your beer. He smiled and led you over to some of his Super Junior members and also some EXO members. "Hey guys, meet Y/N, I met her like a few years ago and she's cool." "We already know her," Donghae said with a smile. "I doubt the EXO kids do," Heechul said while sipping his beer. The guys shook there heads and you couldn't help but look at them all and see one of your role models, Jongdae. You waved at them and ended up hanging out with Jongdae the rest of the night and talking about pretty much everything. It was pretty cool. You hoped that you and him could have a friendship like Kyuhyun and you had.

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