18: What You Do At The Fair

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Sehun: Scare House
Y'all both decided that going through a scare house that was at the fair was a good idea. Well, really it was Sehun who thought it was a good idea. You only agreed because he said he would buy you cotton candy. It wasn't even 30 seconds when y'all got in when you got scared really bad and started to cling onto him. "Oh my god, why are you already so scared," he would tease once the actor went back into hiding. Although he was teasing, you were tense you retorted back saying, "bitch you're afraid of deer. Don't come for me.

Chanyeol: Getting Charactures
You were holding hands while walking past booths when one of the booths caught your attention. You stopped and pointed to it so Chanyeol could see. It was a characture booth which was where artists drew you a over-exaggerated chartoon. They were super fun and you were curious on what they would come up with. You were hoping it would be extra and a tad bit extra. Chanyeol pulled you toward it while laughing. "I've been wanting to do this for a long time," he confessed. You nodded and agreed. Just like you hoped, the characture that was drawn was very well. The artist emphasized his ears which made you both crack up. "I'm hanging this up in my studio," he said after paying for it.

Baekhyun: Getting Matching Face Paintings
You both made the decision while on the way to the fair that NO MATTER WHAT y'all were going to get matching face paintings. Sure it was more of a kid thing but you both thought it would be cute and you both had a pretty youthful and playful relationship so you knew nobody would question it. When y'all got to the booth you looked at the choices and decided to get sunflowers because.. why not? Once you were done, you too a cheesy selfie and posted it on the gram because it was too cute not to share.

Lay: Bumper Cars
You both were deciding on which ride to go on first and decided on bumper cars since it was the closest one to y'all. While y'all were waiting in line, you decided to do a bet. Whoever hit who the most during the round had got a free dinner and the loser would have to pay. You were super competitive while Yixing was more of a go with the flow. When you got into the bumper car alley you went on the opposite side of the alley from Yixing. He looked at you confused and laughed. "I'm going to win, Y/N," he called out. You scoffed and put on your seatbelt, "in your dreams." Once the ride started, you both attacked one another but ended up loosing count because you both kept laughing. When you left the ride, Yixing put an arm around you and kissed the top of your head, "dinner is on me, I'll forfeit." You smiled and looked up at him, "good because I just realized I left my wallet at home."

Chen: Tunnel of Love
You decided to go on the tunnel of love with Jongdae even though it seemed cheasy as hell. He helped you get into the swan and followed in when you got settled in. Once the ride attendant set you to go on your way, you looked at him confused, "it's kind of odd that there's a tunnel of love at a fair. Don't you think?" He shrugged and looked down at you after putting his arm around your shoulder. "Yeah, little weird but hey more alone time and we won't have the others to bother us." You shrugged and nodded, "yeah, which is very nice." He laughed and leaned down to kiss you. You both ended up not remembering the ride since you were so invested in one another.

Kai: Winning You A Teddy Bear
It was close to closing time and you were walking toward the exit when you saw the cutest of cutest bears at one of the game stands. "Awww, that bear is super cute." "Which one?" You pointed at it and he nodded. "Want it?" "Yeah; but it might be a bit pricy." He scoffed, "Babe, I'm in one of the most popular kpop boy groups right now. That bear won't cost anything I can't pay for." This time you scoffed. "Ok, big shot, get me that bear."  He laughed and walked toward the booth. "What do i have to do to get that bear?" "Knock the pins down, you get 3 tries per $5," the tired looking worker said. Jongin nodded and looked at the game. Seamed easy enough. He took out his wallet and gave the guy a $5 bill. The guy thanked him and gave him 3 balls. Jongin picked one up and threw it but ended up not throwing it all at the pins causing you to giggle. He cursed under his breath and looked at the worker who looked uninterested and ready to go home. "Think I could buy the bear?" Jongin whispered to him in hopes you wouldn't hear but of course you did. You rolled your eyes but smirked. He was a dork. The worker shook his head causing Jongin to sigh. "Worth the shot." He picked up another ball and threw it. He was closer but still didn't hit any of the pins. He bit his lip and ended up sighing and placed his wallet onto the counter. You snorted and went up to him hugging his side as he picked up the last ball. "Want a good luck kiss, Oppa?" He smiled and nodded before puckering up his lips and stealing a kiss from you. You smiled into the kiss and he had a smile spread out on his face. "I feel even more lucky now." He then threw the ball and it ended up knocking them all down. You jumped up and down while clapping and cheating for him. The worker cracked a smile and told Jongin he could take the bear. He nodded and bowed before grabbing his wallet off the counter. You grabbed the bear and Jongin's hand. You were so happy.

D.O: Petting Zoo
You felt like Snow White as you fed the animals at the petting zoo. They are from your hand and you pet them. You kept smiling and was so happy. Kyungsoo was having the time of his life too and felt happy. He was feeding a goat some oats when he looked up to look at you. You were radiating while you were talking to the animals. You were so happy and you just looked oh so beautiful. He was so happy that you were his and he was yours. You looked up and saw him looking at you and you grinned at him and waved him over. "Why are you so far away? Come over here! Bring your goat!" He nodded and clicked his tongue to get the goat to follow him over to where his baby was.

Suho: Carriage Ride
"Ladies first," he'd say as he helped you get onto the carriage. "Thanks, Oppa." You honestly were so excited because you were on a carriage. Believe it or not, it was on your bucket list. Junmyeon found it a bit odd at first because typically bucket lists include sky diving, swim with sharks, go to Bora Bora.. things of that nature. However, no matter how weird it was to him at first, he looked around for good carriage rides. He found the one you were going on off the flier for the fair. "C'mon, Oppa. It's time for the ride," You said excitedly while playfully pulling at his sleeve. He laughed and got on. He sat next to you and automatically put his arm around you.

Xiumin: Cotton Candy Chow
The fair y'all were at had cotton candys for sale that were HUGE. You both had a bit of a sweet tooth and your mouths started to water as you saw the delicious fluff go onto a stick. "Cotton Candy?" He asked while squeezing your hand twice. "Cotton Candy. (A/N: okay? okay.) "Thank God, wait here." He dropped your hand and jogged over. You were a bit confused because there was no reason for you to just stay there but you just shrugged. After a bit, he ran back with two HUGE cotton candies. He handed you yours then took your hand to lead you to a bench. You both became really soft by trying each others and feeding each other. It was as good as you thought it would be.

This topic makes me smile. I love fairs. Omg. Lol

These are cute, didn't in-depth edit because I'm like only 47% awake. I'll fix errors when my brain isn't broken.

Did you have a fave? I really liked Yixing's actually lol

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