1O: His Favorite Thing About You

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Ok onto the preference

Xiumin: Smile
In his eyes, your smile lit up a room. When he saw your smile he automatically got into a better mood. He loved making you smile and would always smile when he was the cause of it.

Lay: Personality
Yixing thinks your personality is unique and loves that you embrace who you are. He thinks the way you hold yourself together is awesome. He also loves how compassionate you are.

Suho: Hair
He loved playing with your hair when he you were snuggling and cuddling. He found it so fascinating when you would experiment different styles. He always made sure to compliment it when ever you did it.

Baekhyun: Laugh
Both of you had infectious laughs and when you and him laughed you both would laugh even harder. Your laugh was his favorite sound because you were happy and that made him happy. It didn't matter if it was out loud, a giggle, or a snicker. He loved them all.

Chen: Hands
He loved holding your hands. The were so cute to him and they fit perfectly in his hand. Whenever you held hands he would always kiss your hand causing you to blush. He would always laugh when you blushed because of it.

Chanyeol: Nose
He found your nose to be absolutely adorable. Especially when you would scrunch it up when he said something goofy or he gave you butterfly kisses. It might be a bit odd but to him, he didn't mind.

D.O: Eyes
Rumor has it, eyes are the portals into the soul and Kyungsoo agreed. He loved looking into them and remembering why he loved you in the first place. Even if you were not the biggest fan of them, he would always compliment them and whisper that he loved you after looking into them.

Kai: Hips
As a dancer, he loved watching you dancing and how you shook your hips. It wasn't even because it was hot as hell. It was mostly because moving your hips was important in dancing and can be difficult. When you were dancing, he tended to wrap his arm around your waist so he could feel them.

Sehun: Ass
Oh Sehun is an ass man. I am sure of it. He loves looking at your ass and loves to open the door for you and softly pat or smack your ass as you walk by. You always would scoff and look at him. You couldn't be mad at him though, especially when he was smirking and laughing.

Lmfao this was garbage again. I am sorry. I hope you all enjoyed it still. Which one was your favorite? None of them really tickled my fancy but I guess Kyungsoo's just bc I love eyes and do believe they are portals into the soul. You can tell a lot about someone based off their eyes.

Anywhoreee upcoming preferences will be:
You being cold
You Wanting To Break Out
Song Preference// Back To You by Selena Gomez

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