17: Dating Includes

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•Flirting 25/8
•Him smirking at you when you do something cute or turns him on.
•More happy times than sad times
• both each others cheer leaders
•both can see a future between one another to be honest

•Roasting each other// teasing each other when y'all do something. (I.e: when you're annoyed you'll dead ass say: 'ShAwTy ImMa PaRtY tIl ThE sUnDoWn')
•Gossip all the time and judge people as if your middle age wine moms
•not gonna lie, y'all are blessed with a great sex life
•even though you sometimes have a tom & jerry relationship where people can mistake as toxic, y'all both love one another hella

•Lots of laughter
•At first kind of awkward but once you got comfortable it was amazing. Was worth the awkward phase.
•Plays with your hair when your tired and laying against him.
•Pet-name galore
•Tell each other pretty much everything 

•Like Minseok, hella awkward at first but you learned to love each others quirks and shit.
•FaceTime all the time since he's been hella busy.
•When together your inseparable.. always doing everything together.
•Both send each other gifts when apart
•When it comes to the sex, it's pretty damn good. A lot better than what you expected.

•Chivalry is not dead, hella gentleman. Main goal is to make sure you are happy.
•In return you try your best to make sure he is happy and support him all the time.
•EXO-L's are actually hella supportive and shipped y'all before it was even a thought in either of your minds.
•Back-hugs & cuddles are the foundation of your relationship
•he wrote a song about you, he knew it would never be released so it was a demo that he gave only you. It was your most cherished gifts

•Goofiest couple of all time
•y'all play fight and flirt all the time.
•playfully make fun of one another. He tends to do impressions of you vocally while you mime his actions.
•Goofy sex, always giggling but shit it feels good
•Although you both like fun, when it's serious time you both are serious and make sure the other one is okey dokey.

•Would upload dance videos with you. — varies from couple, contemporary, or hip hop.
•Would take really good photos of you and vise versa.
•When life got too crazy, you would go to random places to get away.
•You both make each other smile so much, literally each other's soul mates

•His members and your best friends would always joke that he was your sugar daddy bc he always paid for everything and spoiled the shit out of you.
•He was such a gentleman and was hella soft when he was with you.
•Sometimes he would nag you and you would have to remind him that he is your boyfriend and not your mother. Sometimes he'd back up a tad bit, other times he would say "well I'm right babe."
•He makes sure to always remind you that you are a goddess and so beautiful in his eyes.
•You make sure to reciprocate his feelings and remind him that he is beautiful and a God in your eyes.

•Softest couple award goes to y'all.
•There's always an excuse to go on a date to celebrate.
•For your year anniversary he got you both matching necklaces. He was so shy about it and you thought it was super cute.
•Not biggest fan of PDA but when he's with you he doesn't mind it. He'll hold your hand and shit.
•You just both love each other so much and it shows.

Some of these were cute. Others were rushed. Sorry kids. Hope you still enjoyed.

Have a favorite? Whose?

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