22: First Time He Made You Cry

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*lol a note before we begin: so I prep my stories before I actually write and this preference when I prepped was on March 20th. (holy shit it's almost end of August and I've had this prepped since March I'm fucking trash) Around that time none of our studs were in the military yet and we just found out Minseok was enlisting :( that is why we only are going to cry about one enlistment in this.*

Also, listen to 'beautiful goodbye' by Chen while reading this if you want a little bit of more reason to cry more lolol. That song fucks me up man!

ok let's start crying

You weren't having a good day to be honest. You didn't want to really talk about what was going on with anyone and wanted to be distracted from all the bad shit that had been happening. Having said that, you went to hang out with Sehun and Vivi. You went and got a drink and as you were pouring yourself a drink you dropped your glass causing it to shatter everywhere. Sehun ran into the kitchen to see what happened. When he saw the mess he scoffed and jokingly said, "damn babe, can you do nothing right?" Typically that would make you laugh because that's how y'all would joke around or tease but due to the rough day, you broke down crying. You tried hiding it from him but he wasn't stupid. He knew you were crying. He quickly went down to your level and held you as you cried into his chest. He felt really bad that he made you cry and that he couldn't see the signs that you were having a rough day.

The fight had been going on what seemed like all afternoon. You were both tense as hell and neither of you could remember what the hell yall were even fighting about. The drive was quiet as he drove you home. When he pulled up to your house you opened the door without saying anything. This pissed him off a bit and he grabbed your wrist while loudly stating a "Yah." You swatted his hand and got out of the car ignoring him and rushing to your front door. You honestly just wanted to be alone. You walked into your house and went to close the door when Jongdae stopped the door from closing with his foot. "Will you stop?" He asked in a serious tone. "Please leave, I don't want to see you right now." You whispered. "I'm not leaving," he said as he pushed his way into the house and looked you in the eyes. "Then don't talk," you said turning away. He grabbed your wrist again and pulled you back to look at him. "Y/N,"he whispered. He looked you in the eyes and he looked so confused and tired. "Let's figure this out, I don't want to fight with you." You swallowed and blinked back a few tears as you diverted your eyes. His heart broke and he pulled you into his chest causing you to start sobbing into his chest. He rubbed your back and kissed the top of your head. He hated fighting with you.

Another night left alone at an empty table set for two. Stood up again. You believed him when he told you that he would meet with you for dinner. H felt bad because he spaced out on last date and had agreed to do an interview when y'all were supposed to meet. You understood what you were signing up for when you agreed to take a chance and date him. You knew it would make him busy and not be able to be with you as much as you wanted him to be with you... but you didn't realize it would be this hard. You didn't realize that his job would make it so you looked like a fool. You sighed and waved the waitress over and let her know that your date canceled and you actually wouldn't be dining. The waitress nodded and took the two menus from table. You stood up embarrassed headed to the door. Once outside you got a call. You looked down and saw Yixing's name across the screen. You sighed and pressed decline. You sniffed and wiped a tear as you turned your phone on do not disturb and waived for a Taxi.

It was your first major fight as a couple. You both were stressed and little things were starting to agitate both of you. After awhile, you both were bickering in your kitchen and it got intense and after awhile, neither of you even knew why the hell you were even fighting in the first place. After more of you two speaking harshly back and forth, Jongin couldn't take it anymore. He put his hands up in the air in defense and said, "this is ridiculous, I'm done." You went to ask what was ridiculous but before the question could be asked, he had walked out the door. It was then when you realized you lost him. You fell to the kitchen floor and just started to sob.

You felt like you did something wrong when sensed Kyungsoo was growing a bit distant. You knew he had been stressed by a few things but he never really talked to you about his stresses. Even though you knew he was stressed, you couldn't help but think it was something that you had done wrong or that he might have a change of heart about you. You called him one evening and when he answered he sounded disinterested and it broke your heart. "Kyungsoo," you started to say as your voice cracked, "are we okay?" You heard a sigh on the other side and the call dropped making your heart drop as well. You couldn't help but break down into a bunch of tears.

You stared at a wall while your thoughts raced and every emotion started to swarm in your soul. Minseok informed you of something you knew was coming but you were not ready for. "I'm enlisting on May 7th," he told you with a shaky voice. It was mandatory. It was time for him to go. "Don't cry," he whispered while holding your hand tightly and wiped a tear from your cheek that you didn't realize had fallen. "I'm not crying, your imagining things," you managed to choke out trying to lighten the mood. He cracked a smile and pulled you into his chest causing you to cry a bit more.

Y'all had a goofy relationship obviously. You were both sitting on the love seat in the dorm watching a random K-drama when you both began to get bored. He then began to tickle causing you to giggle and tickle him back. You were both screeching like pterodactyls and laughing hysterically until you accidentally fell off the couch and banged your head on the floor with heavy force. The world began to spin like a disco ball and due to you being a sensitive bitch you started to cry. Bae cursed under his breath and apologized 8 bajillion times. He wrapped you into his arms which made you cry more because he was so sweet.

It was one of those days where life was just not your number one fan. Anything that could go wrong, went wrong and it was just t r a s h. You sighed as you sent a text as you left your job to your boyfriend, Park Chanyeol, canceling a date you both planned a week or so ago because you were mentally checked out for the day. You felt bad but you knew he would understand. *Time passsssss* You walked into the front door and set your keys and phone on the table before stretching and sighing. You went to your cupboard to pull out a wine glass when all of a sudden the doorbell rang causing you to groan. What now? You set the glass on the counter and walked to the door and opened it up to Chanyeol holding a bouquet of flowers and take out from your favorite place. "Hey baby, thought I'd bring dinner to you. I'm sorry today sucked." Your eyes started to water as you took the bouquet and smelled them. "Thank you," you whispered as your voice cracked. He let himself in and put the food on the counter and then pulled you into a hug allowing you to break down into his chest.

You have no idea how the hell you two ended up arguing on a pier after a date but it just happened. You felt something was off and Junmyeon wouldn't tell you what he was feeling and it bothered you. It was out of concern and soon accusations and vicious words were being thrown at each other. Soon he said one of the most bullshit-y things one could ever say. "It's obvious you're only after my money." You saw red. You felt tears brim your eyes as you shook your head. "Were you dropped as a child? I'm not like those basket cases you dated in the past, Junmyeon! I want you for you. Why can't you fucking see that." A few tears slid down your cheek which made him realize what was going on. He reached toward you to wipe your tears but you pushed his hand away. You sniffed and whispered, "I'll talk to you tomorrow, it's late and I don't want to fight anymore." You then walked away from him.

Holy hell I couldn't write for the death of me. These took a decade to write tbh. So sorry.

I'm not editing because I think it's decent ish? One day I'll do a mass edit. Hope its Gucci. Lol

Did y'all cry? Which one hit you? For me, Chanyeol or Chen. I need a man like them.

Should I do a PT 2? Lol. I might but also might not. Depends.

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