14: Him Seeing You In His Shirt/Hoodie

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You were doing chores in one of his shirts and a pair of yoga pants. You were not a fan of mess and was just straightening up and vacuuming. It wasn't before too long when Minseok would could come home and see his precious Jagi in his shirt and just looking like a full course meal. He couldn't help but smirk and bite his lip before whispering "damn, that's my baby!"

Yixing wouldn't notice at first. In fact it could be even after a half hour-ish into you both hanging out before he could even find out what you were even wearing his shirt. He would be smiling at you and look down at your outfit and notice that your shirt looked oddly familiar. "Wait is this my shirt?" He'd ask while touching the cloth. You'd nod smiling with a lip in-between your teeth. "Oh my gosh." He said with a laugh before kissing your cheek. "Cute."

Junmyeon and you were walking around outside. Enjoying the peace and quiet and of course each other. As you were talking and a gust of wind brushed past you both causing you to shiver. He chuckled and nudged you causing you to pout. "Cold?" "Just a smidge." He smiled and took his jacket off. You tried protesting but he ignored you and wrapped it around you. You sighed and put your arms through the arms(lol why do I find that so funny HAHAHAHA) and thanked him. He smiled widely at you in his jacket and kissed your temple. "You look cute in my jacket. You should wear my clothes more often."

Baby boy would be walking into your shared home with you dancing around to some song by BOA. He started laughing as you flailed around and "uwu'd" when he saw that you were wearing his hoodie as well. "Why are you so cute?"

(A/N: why did I just think of the following Tyler, the Creator quote?

(A/N: why did I just think of the following Tyler, the Creator quote?

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Ok moving on..~)

Hoboy, this guy would walk into the bathroom and see you standing there brushing your teeth while in his hoodie with no pants on. He'd look you up and down while biting his lip. "Damn," he whispered as he walked behind you. "Oppa, language, you warned after spitting. He rolled his eyes and pulled you closer to him. "Oh please, soon I'll have you saying worse language."

"Oppa, can I borrow a hoodie? I'm cold," you asked while rubbing your arms once you entered his apartment. "Of course babe," he said before pecking your cheek. He led you to his room and opened his closet. "Any color preference?" "I don't know, is one color more warmer?" He scoffed and grabbed a random one and threw it at you. "Here then." "Thank you," You said giggling. You put on his hoodie immediately. Once on you looked up at your tall ass boyfriend who started to laugh while looking at you. "What?" He pointed at his hoodie, "you look like your wearing a hoodie instead of dress."

Y'all were on a date and eating hamburgers when the unfortunate happened. Your klutzy self managed to drop majority of the ketchup onto your blouse. You covered your face after mumbling a curse under your breath while Kyungsoo laughed and dabbed some of the ketchup off your blouse with unused napkins. No matter the amount of dabs, there was still a prominent stain so he took off his hoodie and handed it to you. "Here borrow this." You thanked him and put it on giggling. "I'm borrowing this long term by the way," you said in a cute voice while hugging yourself while Kyungsoo scoffed "oh my god."

Jongin would be running all around your shared bedroom looking for his hoodie. He couldn't find it anywhere. He sighed while running his hand through his hair. "Baby! Have you seen my hoodie?" He shouted as he continued to search. "Which one?" Your cute ass asked walking into the room. "The one that.." he looked up at you and bit his lip, "oh. You have you're wearing it." "Oh shit.. do you need it babe?" You asked as you started to take it off. "No no, it's ok. I'll use a different one. You look good babe."

You decided to surprise your boyfriend at work. You ran out of clean shirts that matched with your leggings so you innocently borrowed one of Sehun's. You stopped by the studio with some food and when he saw you he raised an eyebrow and smiled. He went over to you and gave you a kiss. "Thank you for food." "Of course baby." He smiled and looked down at you. "Is that my shirt?" He asked with amusement in his voice. You nodded causing him to scoff. "How the hell do you look better than me in my own damn clothes?"


Y'all this was shit I'm so sorry. I had another brain toot and my creativity is at an All Time Low. I hope you found some joy.

I'm not editing. Maybe one day I'll edit all of these but today is not the motherfucking day mmmkay?

Which one was your favorite? Mine? Chen bc I'm a freak and that one could lead to some freaky deaky shit. *WINK WONK*

Anywhore... here is the upcoming preference.

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