12: You Wanting To Break Up

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Scenario: For weeks, you and him have been fighting and it was getting out of control. There was just no love there anymore, just hatred and disgust. During a fight, you couldn't take it anymore and and said, "You know what, fuck it. I'm done fighting. I'm done. It's over."

His eyes softened once he saw how serious you were about being done with you and him. You both promised one another forever. He didn't know where y'all went wrong or why y'all were fighting in the first place. All he knew was that you were his rock and vise versa. You both swore it would be forever no matter what. As you started to walk away he a grabbed your wrist and turned you around to look at him. He looked at you with tears  in his eyes as he pushed a strand of hair behind your ear. "Stop, lets talk about this first."

He stood their silent as he was trying to digest the situation that was not meant to be as escalated as it got. Reality started to sink in that you were serious about breaking up and he couldn't wrap his head around it. "I don't understand, what do you mean 'it's over?'"

He's typically calm but this was not the first time you have said you wanted to break up. You were had a tendency on saying that you wanted to everytime you and him got into a argument or fight. He knew all relationships had certain hardships and battles, however this one was huge. He ended taking a deep breath before running his hand through his hair. "Why does it always get to this point, Jagi?"

He would stare at you with confusion written all over his face. He knew you both were fighting a lot these past but he did not know or couldn't comprehend why you would want to just break up. You both have gone through to much to quit because of ridiculous quarrels. He licked his lips before staring at you and saying, "What? Why do you really want to leave? Please, how can I fix this?"

When you told him you were tired and you wanted to break up, he realized he needed to swallow his pride and admit that he was wrong. There was no need to fight. You both can over come anything when you both have each other. You grabbed your purse and started to walk toward the door. When you started to open it, Jongdae put his hand against is closing it and turned you around so you were looking at him. He leaned in and kissed you. At first you tried to push him off but soon melted into the kiss. He then put his forehead against yours and looked into your eyes. "Please, I cant do this on my own. I need you, you need me. We both need each other. I promise I will change. Just please, baby girl, don't leave me."

He normally is a happy giant who loves you more than he loves anything. He was so stressed out especially with all the fights that have been happening. He didn't want to fight with you, it just... was happening. His normal self disappeared when you said it was over, his blood boiled as he looked at your equally frustrated and pissed off face. "Really? After every fucking thing we've been through?"

Kyungsoo would be another one who was unsure what to do or say. In all honesty, he was also tired of the fighting, yelling, and negative energy that entered into your relationship. Even though it devastated him and wished he could stop you from leaving, he just simply nodded and broke both of your hearts. "Ok."

Jongin would dead ass cross his arms and look at you dead in the face. Homebitch literally did exactly what Chrissy Teigen did when John Legend tried breaking up with her before he put a ring on it. He wasn't about to loose your dumb but cute ass. "No, we're not done nor breaking up or giving up on us. You're stuck with me, baby girl."

He was fucking heated. You were tired? So was he. Deep down he didn't want to break up because even though you annoyed the shit out of him, he loved you. He was really trying to not to speak with emotion but once you threw the break up card he couldn't help it. "You know what? Fine. Go if that's what you fucking want because I'm fucking tired, too."

**lmfao I was lazy. If you've read my GOT7 book with this same topic... the scenerio maaaaay be the same thing lmfaooo**

This highkey made me super dooper sad. I couldn't even imagine ever breaking up with any them. They are too precious and I can see them breaking up with someone more lmfao.

Did you have a favorite one? Or which one made you the most sad? Lmk xo

Upcoming Preferences:
• Song Preference // Back To You by Selena Gomez
•Him Seeing You In His Shirt/Hoodie
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Woohoo more "happy ones" comin' up. If you didn't cry on this one you might cry later on. Xo

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