O9: Proposal

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If you have read my proposal preferences for Got7 & BTS you will see that I made it a "what would you do" scenario. I'll be doing the same for EXO. I probably won't do as much detail as I did for Got7 and BTS or I might. Who tf knows. Hope y'all enjoy lol.

Xiumin: Campsite
You both sat next to one another by the campfire enjoying the sound of logs crackling and whispering sweet nothings to one another. You were both finally alone and just grateful for this opportunity. At one point you looked up at the sky and gawked at the sky. "Oppa! The stars are so pretty out here." He looked up and gawked as well, "woah." You loved space. Space intrigued you. You were so fascinated by the sky you didn't notice Minseok staring at you with pure love. When you were excited and intrigued, he fell more in love. You were so cute. "There's like a billion of them out there." He smiled and wrapped an arm around you while whispering, "there may be a billion but the most important star is next to me." You blushed a bit before teasing him and looking around. "Is Jongdae-Oppa around?" This caused him to laugh and kiss your cheek. "No, someone way more beautiful. Like billions time more." You smiled and looked at him as you noticed him biting his lip after saying that. You snuggled up to him and whispered, "thank you." "Thank you for dating me." "To be honest I should be saying that, Oppa." You both laughed and he got quiet and took a deep breath. "You know what I was be even more grateful for?" "What?" "If we don't just stay in dating phase and," He slid off the log and got down onto one knee. "We move on to the next step." He then pulled out a ring and looked you in the eyes with a pleaful look, "(Y/F/N), please. Be my wife."

Would you say: YES or No?

Lay: A Restaurant You both were at a restaurant with both of your families

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Lay: A Restaurant
You both were at a restaurant with both of your families. Both of your parents were good friends making you both have a very close relationship even before you both began dating about a year ago. You held his hand and laughed at something your father said about his job. Yixing laughed along with you as he rubbed his thumb over your thumb. Both of your moms noticed and smiled widely causing you to blush. Yixing smirked and scooted closer to you and wrapped an arm around you. He then talked to everyone at the table. You laid your head on his shoulder and added some comments when needed. You all finished up your food and Yixing cleared his throat and looked down at you. You rose an eyebrow and mimicked his throat clearing. He chuckled at your silliness and kissed your forehead. "So... before we all go. I wanted to ask (Y/N) a question." He said. Your heart raced. Was he proposing? Is this a place where you can get free drinks or desert if so? You took a deep breath as you watched him stand up a bit and get down on one knee, "(Y/F/N), also known as the love of my life, my best friend, my other half, and many more things... we've known each other for what seams like eternity. I would love to continue on to eternity and would love to have the opportunity to marry you. Would you do the honors of accepting this ring and becoming my wife?" He asked as he opened a box showing the ring.

Would you say: YES or No?

Would you say: YES or No?

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