A talk with Edmund

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After leaving the stone table room, you had decided to go check on Edmund. Though he hadn't seemed bothered by the event that had just occur, you had grown to understand just how good Edmund was at hitting his emotions; it was clear to you that he kept a lot to himself, for the sake of his brother and sisters. It hadn't took you long to find him sat out on a ledge that over looked the field in front of the How.

"Hey" You quietly said trying not to make him jump as you could see he was clearly lost in thought.

"Hi" He replied not bothering to move his gaze from the field in front of him. You quietly sat down next to him looking out into the field in front. You sat in silence for a while before opening your mouth to speak again.

"About what just happened ..." You began before Edmund quickly cut you off.

"I'm fine"

"Are you sure ... I mean I know what you went through and it was scary for me, at just the thought of her coming back and I haven't even witnessed what she can do, I've only heard stories but you've lived those stories and ... I just thought it must have been difficult for you seeing her again."

"I said I'm fine" Edmund snapped. It had came quite a shock to you at the tone he used, he had never used that kind of tone with you before and to be honest it kind of scared you a little. You sat there frozen looking at the trees in silence worried that if you were to open your mouth again it would cause him to snap at your more then he just did. The last thing you wanted was for Edmund to be angry at you, seeing as he had been the one that was there for you the whole way through this war.

"I'm sorry" He said after a few minutes, the tone in his voice had gone back to the gentle tone you had heard him use on many occasions.

"It's ok" you replied back to him in a small whisper.

"No... Y/N ... it's not. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that. I have a lot going on in my mind but it's not a reason for me to snap at you like I just did."

"I understand, how your feeling. This war seems to be getting to a lot of people, we've already lost so many and it's not even close to the end of it all yet. I guess everyone is starting to lose a sense of hope a little."

"Peter's rushing into things. At times I think he seems to forget that he has other siblings that are trying to help as well."

"Being High King does seem to get to his head a little" You chuckled lighting up the mood around you both.

Edmund let out a small laugh and a smile had now appeared on his face "Yeah, it does"

As you turned your head towards Edmund you could see that his eyes were locked on to you. "What?" You asked, curious to know why his focus was on you.

"I was just wondering how, you manage to make everything seem better even at a time like this. I've seen what everyone's like when there around you, there always smiling no matter what's going on."

Your smile seemed to grow as you spoke "Well, I know what it's like to have everything ripped away from you, so I do what I can to give people hope that the same thing won't happen to them."

"Y/N I..." Your focus on Edmund had shifted to the Miraz's army that was now making their way onto the field.

"We have to warn Peter" It was then that Edmunds gaze followed where you had been looking.

Picking yourself up from the ground you watched as the telamarine army got closer with every step they took some on foot other on horseback. Catapults soon came into view shortly after being pulled along by horses and men. Edmund left your side to find Peter, returning moments later with not only Peter but also Caspian by his side. Narnian's suited with armor and carrying whatever weapons they could find soon ran out the entrance below, readying themselves for the fight that was on its way. You hand found its way to Edmunds as nervous built up inside you, with every second that passed the army seemed to grow in size and it was clear that you were largely outnumbered. However you felt slightly reassured as Edmund gave your hand a slight squeeze.

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