A night not to be forgotten

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A few days after the defect of the telmarine king Miraz and his army, Caspian had been crowned the true telmarine King and you a queen of Narnia. The streets had been lined with celabration as you rode through them, both telmarines and narnian's stood in harmony cheering. The war was finally over and Narnia had return to it's form days of happiness. You were happy that the narnia's had got their home back, but you were even more happy about a certain boy you had go to meet.

"Your majesty please hold still" You were currently being squeezed in a ball gown by a castles maid. Caspian had insisted that you allowed the maids to help you telling you that now you were queen you should be treated as one. So far you hadn't minded the life of royalty but has missed the comforts of yours and Trufflehunters home. "There" the maid spoke tieing the last of the lace on the back of your dress. A smile appeared on your face as you eyed the (Y/F/C) dress in the mirror your eyes trailing the down the body of the dress, it fitted to your figure well and came out at the waist. Turning your back slighlty you could see the lace that travelled down from your shoulders to your lower back. You stood for a moment stunned by the beauty of the dress, a dress you never thought you would be able to wear. Your hair sat perfectly down your back, slightly curls twist at the ends and a braid running for each side of your head to the back keeped it all neatly in place.

"Y/N ... are you ..." Lucy began walking into your room only to stop in silence as she you stood in the middle of the room.

"Lucy you shouldn't just barge in" Susan commented caughting up to her younger sister.

"You look amazing" Lucy commented clearly ignoring her sister.

"Thank you" you smiled towards the young girl

"I'm sure Edmund will like it" Susan spoke a smile on her lips

"What makes you think Edmund will be paying any attention to me?" You asked trying to cover the blush on your checks.

"I've noticed the way he looks at you Y/N"

"He lookes at me like he does everyone else"

Your comment only caused Lucy to let out a small chuckle before reaching out to grab your hand and pull you towards the door. "Come on Y/N you wouldn't want to miss your first ball."

You made your way down the hallways with Susan and Lucy, each turn you took you could hear the music growing louder. Turning the final corner you could hear the laughter of everyone more clearly now. Giving a quick smile to Lucy you stepped forward into the ball room as the guards pushed the doors open. It was then that you felt the nervous in your stomach build up as many eyes fell upon you.

"Do you want to dance" Edmund asked appearing at your side holding out a hand to you. You nodded taking his hand as he lead you do the dance floor. He gently placed hand in yours as you placed your hand on his shoulder.

"I've never danced before so I may be a pretty bad dance partner" You commented

"It's ok, I'm not that good a dancing either so we can work on it togther" Edmund replied back with a smile. Seeing Edmund like this turely brought you happiness and it was a moment you wanted to last forever. You spend most the night by Edmunds side swaying to the music with him getting lost in his dark brown eyes. During some part of the night you had made your way to the balcony with him to watch the fireworks that were now lighting up the clear night sky in many colours.

"What is it?" You asked Edmund, you could feel his gaze on you as you watch the clear night sky a smile spread across your lips.

"It's nothing" He replied

"Well it's got to be something" You turned towards him

"Just enjoying the moment" Your smile seemed to grow as he said this remembering how you had savoured the moment just as he did now with you watching the fireworks. Leaning into his shoulder, you felt him wrap his arm around your waist as you continued to watch the fireworks.

"Stay by my side" He whispered softly into your ear.


Stay By My Side (Edmund x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now