The Sequel

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Hey guys,

First of Happy New Year can't believe its already 2020. 

Secondly, I am super sorry that the sequel to the Edmund x reader has took so long to come out. It has been sat half finished on my laptop for about 4/5 months now. Unfortunately I didn't have the time to complete it due to uni and work; I also lost interest for along time. However after logging into my wattpad page after all this time and seeing all your amazing comments about how much you have wanted a sequel has motivated me even more to finally finish it for you guys. Therefore over the next few days I will be spending most of my time finishing the story just for you guys. 

I also want to say thank you so much to everyone who read, commented, liked and followed this story. I'm so glad to heard that you guys enjoy my stories, your what motivates me to continue writing. 

Side note, the Edmund x reader has also taken longer than planned as i started writing a Newt x reader (The maze runner) and am also half way through that as well. So once the Sequel to this story is out be sure to look out of the newt x reader.

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