A battle between Kings

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After speaking with Miraz you had made your way back to the How to inform Peter that duel would go on as you had all plan. While Edmund had gone to help Peter ready himself for the fight; you had gathered outside along with many of the narnian's stand at the front of the crowd with Glenstorm. You turned your hear as cheers were headed from the narnian's watching as Peter and Edmund made their way out onto the field, their faces showing no sign of fear only confidence.

"Be careful" you spoke as Peter made his way to the centre. "Miraz likes to fight dirty"

You watched as Peter and Miraz circled each other, each one waiting for the other to make the first move. "There's still time to surrender" Miraz commented.

"Well feel free" Peter replied the blank expression on his face showed that he wasn't going to give up fighting anytime soon.

"How many more must die for the throne?" Miraz asked

"Just one" Peter clearly fed up of talking bluntly replied before running at Miraz swinging his sword into the kings side; which Miraz easily blocked with his shield. The fight had begun, cheers from both sides could be heard as metal clashed against metal, each one throwing swing after swing of their swords trying to land a fatal blow. You watched the duel play out in front of you as Peter swung for Miraz head only being stopped short by Miraz's blade which gave him the chance to swing his shield towards Peter colliding with his head. The hard blow to his head didn't stop Peter from throwing another swing towards Miraz. Blade continuously his blade as you watched the fight, a slight smile appeared on your face as Miraz swung for Peter, which he easily dodged leaving Miraz's back open. Peter took the option to slash his sword over Miraz back, causing him to groan from the pain and a cheer to come from the narnian's. You and Edmund smiled at each other as you could both clearly see that Peter was a better swordsman than Miraz and had the advantage.

However the smiles quickly disappeared as Miraz, once again shoved his shield into Peters face only this time it causes Peters helmet to come off from the force of it. Without leaving any time for Peter to recover Miraz swung his sword at Peter's neck, which he dodged only by a few inches. Ducking down it left Peter a clear shot at Miraz's leg, which he wasted no time in slashing through. You watched a blood stained Miraz's trousers and anger boiled up in his face. Stumbling back he looked towards his advisors before reaching himself to attack Peter again. Shouts were heard in the air as Miraz ran towards Peter swinging for his torso which Peter only just dodged jumping over the blade and landing on the floor into a roll. Running at each other again sword clashed against sword before Miraz took the opportunity to give Peter swift kick in the leg causing him to fall to the floor from the force.

You then watched as Miraz stomped on Peter's shield causing his arm to bend in an un-natural way and a snap to be heard before, a shout of pain escaping from Peter's mouth. You grabbed onto Edmunds hand, concern clearly plastered on your face as you knew that whatever the snap was it wasn't good. You looked to Edmund for reassurance however his face gave you none, it was obvious he was just as concerned about his brother as you was; many even more. Peter however failed to give up; instead swinging his sword he rolled over trying to avoid the rest of the attacks that Miraz was throwing at him. Your breath caught in your throat and your grip tightened on Edmunds hand as Peter reached the edge of the arena with nowhere else to and Miraz still throwing attacks towards Peter. Peter however quickly rolled back on himself into Miraz's legs causing the king to fall over onto his back giving Peter enough time to push himself to his feet and ready himself for the next attack.

Your attention soon turned towards the woods as you watched Caspian ride back with Susan holding on behind him.

"Edmund" you whispered, his attention turning towards were your gaze had been before meeting your eyes with a concerned look. "Lucy" you added.

"Does your highness need a break?" You turned your attention back to the battle as Miraz spoke

"5 minutes" Peter whispered through his pain

"3" Miraz spat back

Running to Peter you took his shield from his arm as you helped him back towards the edge of the arena. Edmund quickly joining you on Peters other side as he grabbed Peter's helmet from the ground.

"Lucy?" Peter asked in concern as Susan and Caspian joined you at the sided of the arena.

"She got through, with a little help" Susan nodded towards Caspian

"Thanks" Peter replied towards Caspian

"You better get up there just in case" You nodded to Susan then to the row of archery who stood on the ledge of the how."I don't think the telmarines will keep their word." Susan nodded, hugging Peter before running off to join them.

"Check smiling" Edmund added causing you to turn your head towards the narnian's who had a look of worry and concern on their faces. Peter raised his sword and smiled causing the narnian's to let out another cheer that there king hadn't given up yet. Peter let out a groan as he sat on his chair pain obviously still rippling through his arm.

"Y/N I think is dislocated" he commented as you made your way over to Peter's side. Checking Peter's arm he continued to speak as Edmund made his way over next to you. "What do you think happens at home if we die here?" He asked, Edmund looking towards you with a wondering expression on his face. "You know you've always been there and I never really ..." Peter was cut short groaning in pain as you grabbed hold of his arm pushing it back into place.

"Save it for later" Edmund commented before rushing over to the rocks to get Peter's helmet.

Helping Peter up you passed him his sword and shield, Edmund held out his helmet which Peter only pushed away. Running into the arena he swung his sword at the king with a new found strength. Again you began to watch as metal hit metal, each swing more determined than the last, it was clear that both kings were ready to end this. Miraz ran with all force towards Peter slamming his shield into his stomach causing Peter to fall back onto a large rock. Charging at him again Peter took the opportunity to swing his leg into Miraz already wound one, giving Peter the chance to push himself once again to his feet. Peter was quick to disarm Miraz however soon lost his sword to as Miraz pushed it to the side. Leaving Miraz only a shield to defend himself with and Peter nothing. Miraz put as much force as he could into slamming his shield towards Peter's face; which Peter quickly grabbed hold of spinning it over his head pushing Miraz's arm behind his back.

Falling back onto the rocks from an elbow to the face, seemed to anger Peter as he turned around slamming his fist into the kings wounded leg causing the king to fall to his knees pleading Peter to wait. Peter stood there with fist held high, waiting for the king's next move.

"Now's not the time for chivalry Peter" Edmund yelled clear that his brother was contemplating what to do. Peter dropping his fist turned his back and started to walk away from the kneeing king.

"PETER" You screamed as Miraz quickly got to his feet grabbing his sword and swinging it towards Peter. Spinning on his heel Peter dodged the sword grabbing it from the king and ramming it into his stomach causing the king to fall to his knees once more. Peter stood there for a moment watching Miraz before the king spoke.

"What's the matter boy? Too cowardly to take someone's life"

"It's not mine to take" Peter replied lowering his sword and holding it out for Caspian to take. You watched as Caspian stood still for a moment before you nodded for him to take it. As Caspian closed in on the king he raised his sword to the king's throat before letting out a shout and driving it into the grass beside him.

"No I will not be like you" Caspian spat. "Keep your life, but I'm giving the narnian's back there kingdom." Cheers rose from the narinan's as Caspian made his way back over to you. You turned to Edmund a smile across both your faces.

"They did it ... they won" You smiled, grabbing Edmund into a tight hug; joy taking over. You felt happy as Edmund hugged you back; the narnian's had got their freedom back, all that you had fought for had been worth it. However your joy was short lived as you heard a shout coming from the battle field. Letting go of Edmund and turning to the field you could see the King on the ground and an arrow through his chest.

"THEY MURDERED OUR KING" the advisor shouted, you were right they had played dirty but you weren't expecting this, the war wasn't over yet.

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