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"Why do you want to know? You don't know them at all. You just got here."

"I'm just interested Tom. There isn't anything bad with asking something to someone new. Jeez."

A small 'tsk' came out of Thomas.

"You're the one poking into my privacy. And I dont like it."

Tord shrugged and faced his back towards Tom who rolled his eyes and went back to his small pages.

>Timeskip to Lunch<

"Tom, where do you usually go to for lunch?"

They had just finished Psychology and Tom was once again leading Tord throught the hallways.

"To my shade. It's underneath a tree outside, not far away from school grounds."

"Wait, so it's outside the school grounds? Why don't you just leave after? I'd do so."

"Because I need this damn education in order to get a stable job. Even though I already know what I'll be doing."

"What is it?"

Tom stopped and felt the large body of Tord hover over his right side.

"I'll be taking over my mother's bakery. She had made it together with my father who passed away when I was just a child."

He remembers the day when he was crying at his father's funeral with his friend holding his hand, trying to console him throughout the hard day.

It felt as though the demons from hell were trying to pull him back and cause him to kill himself. Even at a young and peculiar age.

"Oh. Sorry for your lose. I suppose my life sounds like nothing."

"Go ahead. Everyone's life is shitty either way."

"Well, I was actually somehow abandoned by my mother when I was a small child. Strangely. My life at home wasn't the prettiest. I ran away."

Tom nods letting Tord continue his story.

"Eventually, these two people found me alone on the road and took me in as their kid. They were both siblings. Paul and Patrick. I was only 7 when it had happened. I haven't had communication with my mom ever since."

"Wow...that's quite shocking. Now you make my life seem absurd."

"Noones life is absurd Tom. But I have been enlisted into a military lifestyle ever since."

It made Tom pause physically and mentally. They were close to the tree by now but the British male wasn't arriving their yet without knowing what and why he was in a military.

"This early? But, aren't you below the age of consent?"

"I am but I have been fascinated with the military lifestyle alot. Pat and Pau are soldiers in an army. Or should I say, Pau is the leader of that certain army."

Tom's eyes brightened at the mention of it. A 'son' of a leader of a large militia base? How strange...and fascinating.

They had resumed their walking and both sat down below the tree. It was quiet with the birds tweeting and the small wind blowing into their faces.

"You know, being a new student is strange. Everyone looks at you as if you were a weird corner of a puzzle that didn't belong there."

Tom chuckled.

"I can feel that. I remember freshman year here. I felt new. Too new. But I did survive with the help of my friend Matt."

"Matt? Who's that?"

"He's an old senior who graduated from here 2 years ago. He's 19 now. He enjoys underground fights. He's in a gang himself too."


Tom smiles and closes his eyes and listens into the wind. He leans his head onto the large bark behind him that also held the rest of his small body.

"We should probably leave and go home. Now."

Tom peeked at Tord through his left eye.

"I still need my education you lollipop."

"I don't think your mother would mind. She's in the bakery I may guess. Besides, she is the owner. You pineapple."

"Still not doing it bud."

"Damn. Worth the shot though."

Tord looks over to the small notebook that was inside the small pouch of Tom's bag. He was tempted to grab it but it would probably wouldn't be for the best. Not yet at least.


As they were walking towards their home, a car speed up and caught up with Tom's walking pace. Tord got nervous and tapped the black orbed male.

"Um, do you know who that is? It's a ginger wearing a purple hoodie."

Tom chuckles and looks over to see Matt driving his car that was painted in a strong silver. It was a Dodge from 2012.

"What are you doing walking around with your new boyfriend pufferfish?"

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"What are you doing walking around with your new boyfriend pufferfish?"

Tom groaned and heard a slight chuckle from Tord.

"He's isn't my new boyfriend. I know my tastes you gingerbread man."

Tord placed a hand over his heart and posed dramatically as though if he were Juliet.

"Ouch. Thou heart has been shattered by thee."

Tom hit his arm and looked back at Matt who had his hand covering over his sinister smile that the British male knew what it meant.

"Oh piss off Matt. Isn't there a lady in distress waiting for her prince? Or is that none of my concern?"

"Very funny young man. My girlfriend is not waiting for me. She waiting for my dick."

"And here I thought you had a mind. It turns out you have a second penis floating up there."

Matt rolled his eyes and said his goodbyes to the two of them and took off, heading to where Tom believe to be Alisha's home, his girlfriend.

"Hey Tom, why don't I go to your house? Pau and Pat aren't home yet and I dont have a key on me."

"What a world. Why the hell do you not have a house key?"

"I'm new here Tom. Now let's go to your place. I need help in Geo and Forensics."


Is there a term for when someone is confused but yet also is trying to hold back from doing some drastic movement?

I think it's still the word 'confusion'... perhaps not. Though I never did have those feelings in my whole life...

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