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Dear Friend,
             There's a problem. There is someone who just arrived and, I know, wants to poke around our letters. It isn't safe since he's so close to me. I mean...not close in that way. I don't want you thinking differently.
             I just want to know how your trip is going so far...even though it isn't truly a trip. Should I tell him what's going on?
With 10% of me

Its a problem. It's a major problem. And it's a problem that Tom can't seem to find a solution to. Well, not really. The solution is there but it isn't one that Tom likes.

The truth.

He usually lies casually as if it's nothing but an activity to him. Even when he isn't supposed to. It's been now an everyday thing.

Tom sometimes lies and didn't even realize it until after a few minutes. And it was the solution that he usually lied about.


"Hey Tom, where do you think he is? We never see him until after school."

Tom and Tord were walking to school and it was around 7:40 in the morning. Tord was clothed in a red flannel with a white t-shirt underneath. His jeans were ripped and the color of charcoal. His shoes were a color of dark red.

Tom was wearing a black pair of jeans with a white pineapple t-shirt. He was also wearing a beanie the color of his eyes. His shoes were a pair of black and white converse.

"He's probably helping his gang by beating the hell out of someone. Or just chilling at home with his girlfriend. I don't know, I'm not his personal carer."

"But you're his best friend. I want to bet you know him since childhood, correct?"

Tom sneered.

"Yeah. I do. Surprisingly."

If that didn't convince the Norwegian male to shut up, who knew what would.

"Oh. Why do you say it in such a sour attitude?"

"Because I believe that I've known him for too long. Matthew is what I would like to call a 'wall.' He sometimes gets in the way of my life."

Tord wasn't expecting such a drastic way to describe Matthew. The ginger seems pretty calm and outgoing to him and not this disturbance that Tom calls him.

Once they arrived at school, Tom was called on his phone in which he excused himself away from Tord. Having only one friend really sucks in Tord's opinion.

He had lots of friends back in Norway, in which he would hang out with them and be open to each other. Tom was different. He didn't share many things and he kept lots of hidden details of his life to himself.

How dark of a secret does he have either way?

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"Tom. I need you to stay over at either Matt's house or Tord's house for tonight. I need to go somewhere for tonight."

"Where are you going?"

"I have to go to the hospital. My mum is in a critical stage right now and you know how much she really doesn't like you."

It was true. Tom appeared so much like his deceased father that it bother his grandmother, Julie. Why? Hell never know but he'd rather keep it that way and not find out a disturbing truth.

"I suppose so mom. I guess I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah I'll see you tomorrow early in the morning. And I know there isn't school on Monday so you might be helping me in the bakery that day."

"No worries mom. I'll be there. Bye."

He ended the call and went to see Tord sitting at a random bench nearby, looking down on his phone.

"I suppose you don't want to make new friends Tord."

Tord looks up to see Tom with a blank face and his hands folded behind his back. It was giving him a military vibe.

"There's noone interesting here to speak with except you."

"There are plenty of interesting people here. And I'm not one of them."

Tord rolled his grey orbs and stood up to hover over Tom who didn't flinch. Which caused their bodies to be touching each other with no space.

"Either way you'll have to deal with me today. Wether you like it or not."

A smirk replaced his blank lips which Tom blushed at.

"If I want to I'll make you get lost in that sea of children. Don't underestimate me you bag of yarn."

He took off, leaving Tord to remember the small hint of red on the males face. He couldn't be...could he?


Crushes. I've only had a few growing up. At least a total of five. All of them the opposite gender of mine. I never took up into the idea of liking someone of my gender.

How surprising...

Dear _______, [TomTord]Where stories live. Discover now