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Once they both arrived to their classroom, Tom sat down at his usual spot and lied his head down before falling asleep. Couldn't blame him, he stayed up all night helping Tord with Geometry and Forensics.

Tord on the other hand, was somehow full of energy and sat in front of Tom and pulled out his cellphone.

He had a friend back in Norway named Alen Prince. Alen was the type to hang around someone until midnight and then leave the other drained of energy.

It was one of the reasons why Tord could stay up until 6 in the morning if he wanted.

He hadn't spoken to Prince in a while. Count about 3 days. The last message was Alen talking about how he just got his crush to be his girlfriend.

I'm still surprised that Alexis decided to be with me

Same here bud. If I were her, I would've yeeted you out through the window


Kidding. Listen I gotta go. I have things to move and places to see right now.

Its alright. Good luck in England

And that was that. It's been three days since they have last spoken. Not that it bothered Tord but he misses the small kid. Alen was around 16 right now making Tord seem like his older brother by a year.

He turns around to see Tom resting peacefully on his desk. The light from outside shined upon Tom making him seem somehow angelic or an image in Tord's mind that if he tried to touch him, he'd simply vanish.

He felt his face burn making him know that he was blushing extremely.

'Jesus Christ how much more gayer can I possibly be?'


"Today we will be learning about the different types of parts of your brain and their functions. You will also be tested upon this this upcoming Friday.

So please, take out a notebook and pencil and take notes on what we'll be discussing about."

Tord did as told and looked in front of him where Tom was. Yes, in every class they were sitting right next to each other. They were almost inseparable.

Tom was already jotting down important notes that the teacher was saying while Tord was lost on what to write. Why? He's been staring at Tom this whole time.

"Can someone please explain to me where is your memory stored?"

A few kids raised their hands, including Thomas, but not Tord.


"The memory is stored in blah blah blah."

"Correct. Next time I ask that same question, I want more hands raised."

She went back to her teaching and Tord simply didnt understand what was going on with him. His feelings were being jumbled around for Thomas. And he didn't like it.


Tom walked down the sidewalk with Tord trailing behind him. He was still contemplating on where to go for the night.

"Hey Tord, do you mind if I stay with you for tonight?"

"What? Yes! I-I mean n-no. Not at all. Though Pat and Pau might annoy you though."

'Why is he stuttering?'

"I don't mind. My own mother sometimes annoys me so it won't be that bad. But you should probably lead the way. I don't know where you live."

Tom smiles making the other male feel as though he was going to faint from the shit he's seeing.

'Fuck these new feelings.'

"Yeah sure. Um...follow me."

>Tord's house<

Arriving, Tom smelled the intoxicating aroma of alcohol. He didn't show it to the world but he enjoyed the smell.

"Hey Tord!! Get over here!! I'm in the kitchen!!"

It was Patrick. He was the main cook of the house while Pau did the shopping and maintenance at the house.

"Uh yeah sure."

He looks down at Tom who was already at the couch, going through his bag, making the Norwegian assume it was his notebook.

As Tord went into the kitchen to figure out what was going on, Tom pulled out his small blue book and pen and began writing.

Dear Eggroll,
            How many nicknames can I possibly come up for you? Too many I believe. But, I have new feelings for someone. Remember that person that I mentioned who was Close to me now? I have fallen for them. Hard.
            But don't worry, I won't forget about you. I'll still be talking to you normally.
With now 5% of me,

He tapped his pen against his chin and looked towards the kitchen to see what appeared to be smoke...wait-



Now honestly whenever there is smoke you would presume there's a fire. Happened to me before. But instead it was some burnt food that my mom wasn't paying attention to.

We had to do it again and not let it burn...again. P.S get that sink ready. You may never know.

Dear _______, [TomTord]Where stories live. Discover now