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Tom ran to the kitchen to see Tord chilling with his arms on the counter behind him and Pat with his fingers on the bridge of his nose, in annoyance. Where was the fire?

"Sup Tom. Why were you yelling my name?"

'I was worried for your adorable ass.'

"I thought you turned into a burnt nugget. Turns out I was wrong."

"Aww~ Did Tommy miss me??"

"Please don't call me that."

Pat started to wash the dishes when Tom stepped in to help him. Meanwhile, Tord slipped by and went over to Tom's bag and pulled out the heavily guarded notebook.

It had several pages poking out with the familiar rich cursive that Tord had loved to see now.

Yeah, it's only been two days but eh, fuck it.

He runs to his bedroom and shuts his door quietly. He opens the book without almost any hesitation and started to read the first page ever written.

Dear Egg,
            Its only been ten years since you last went away. Your mom told me to lie, and that's what I did. I lied. To my mom, to all of your friends, and even to Matt. It's hard to be the only one to know you're gone...for good.
           You're not coming back with the smile we all are familiar with. You're not coming back with your large bear hugs...         I miss you bud...


Who's egg? Tord was much more confused then ever. Tom had lied to Matt and also to his own mother. Even practically to half of the school population. If it's been ten years then it was back in elementary school.

Tord shook his mind and went on to the next page.

Dear friend,
             I went back to the park. You know which one. It's the color of your eyes and it's practically the color you wore all the time. Though I suppose the memory is alot more grim.
             Everyone has changed. Remember Matilda? Yeah, she's gone too. Just like you. I hope she's with you now. She broke everyones heart, especially Matt's, when she departed. Man, this letter has gone alot more darker then what I wanted.


Once again, it wasn't made very clear on who was Egg. But it did point out about Matilda...who was Matt's sister. She seemed to have died as well but obviously later than "Egg."

He wanted to know how she went away but afraid that it was probably something too horrible that noone would want to remember again.



"UH NO!!!"

Tord heard a lot of swearing which made him stop reading. He was asking Matthew, no matter what.


"Wow, I'm still surprised that the notebook fell out of my bag and was lying on the couch."

The notebook was found underneath the bag that belonged to Tom. He didn't even question on how it got there even though he wrote on it.

"Yeah, what a surprise."

Tord was a nervous mess, knowing fully that he had grabbed it and snooped inside.

"Tom, if you don't mind, you could sleep in Tord's bed while he sleeps here in the living room."

Pat was speaking and Pau had called earlier that he was staying behind at the base for a few more days letting his sibling know that he was in charge.

"U-uh no. I'm fine sleeping here re-"

"I insist Tom. As your great friend, I will let you have your slumber in my bed."

They didn't show it, but Tom and Tord felt a slight pain in their foreign hearts.

'Why the fuck did I say great friend?!?'

'Is that all I am? A good friend?'

"I guess I'll sleep in your room. Goodnight everyone."

Tord and Pat told Tom goodnight sending the Brit off to sleep.

"Tord, you can't hide from me. You like him alot."

Blush. That's what painted the Norwegians face.

"Shh!! What if he hears?!"

"Who cares. He finds you perfect bud. Goodnight Tord. Have a swell sleep on the couch."

Tord rolled his eyes and waved Pat off. He looks down at the couch and wonders where'd he grab a blanket now.


Cherry. A nice cherry the color of red. Rose. A swell rose the color of red. An apple. A sweet apple the color of red.

I'm addicted to the color red...


Jesús when you are confusing readers to belive that it's an update of the other book...

Alright I'm gonna go finish my final chapter of Immortality

Dear _______, [TomTord]Where stories live. Discover now