Oh for the love of-

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School. It's a thing everyone dreads. And it's the thing that Tord dreads having to not only see Allen around but also Allen with Thomas and not being included.

If that's not a dick move, who knows what is. Tord had worried about the day Tom's mother didn't come back and it turns out she came later then what she had spoken about due to delay in the bakery.

He didn't notice he had been holding in his breath until he heard that the family was alright.

Now, it was the next day, Tuesday. The day noone fucking likes. Fuck Tuesday. Tuesday could go die in a ditch for all anyone cared about.

Finally waiting for Tom with Allen, Tord felt his right side of his burned with someones sight. He turns around to see Allen staring at him.

"What do you want? You're staring at me for no reason."

"As if. You obviously have an issue with me and Thomas being friends."

"No I dont. Why should I?"

Allen gave Tord a blank face and faced Tom's home.

"Good question. Why don't you answer me that question."

Tord crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. Life is going charmingly well for him. He kicked a small piece of rock on the sidewalk and saw it fall onto the road. A car passed over the small pebble, and afterwards it wasn't there anymore.

"I don't have an issue Allen. You act like there's something more into this Shit. Thomas isn't being withheld on who he can make friends with."

"I'm glad to know that you know, just wanting to see if Thomas feels like he isn't being withheld from making other friends."

"The fuck are you talking about?"

Allen sighed and looked back at his friend.

"Thomas knows that me being around him bothers you. It's a reason why we barely speak to one another and when we do have a chance, it's just for a few seconds before you snap at us. Stop being such a little bitch Tord and kindly fuck off."

"I don't think I will with that fucking attitude."

Tord pushed against Allen's shoulder and walked away. He felt his head scorch in pain and his veins heating up in anger.

Allen "cleaned" his shoulder and waited until Tord dissapeared from his view. He never wanted to have any problems with him but no matter what, they always seem to have a conflict with anything important to Tord.

"Hey Allen! Where's-"

"He left. Hes still mad at me for talking with you. I confronted to him about it but he almost chewed my head off just because."

"Oh for the Love of- listen. I am going to confront him and If I need to, you will see him after school looking like the sort that I step on. He needs to stop acting like a child."

"I know that. But you have to tell him, not me Thomas."

"I know..."


I did say Thursday however, I wanted to push this chapter out sooner because I dont have alot of time here where I am staying.

I know that it's also pretty short and I do apologize for that, however there wasn't anything to add because the rest will happen in the next chapter.

Anyways, I'm out

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