Fuck off

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It was Monday already and the trio were walking together to school. Tord was next to the road, Tom in the middle, and Allen to the farthest.

Tom and Allen had been talking ever since he arrived on Saturday. They even exchanged numbers on the same night. Tord just looked away when it had happened. He knew that Allen had developed feelings for Thomas, and it's wasn't a feeling that he enjoyed in his stomach.

"So Tord, what have you been doing since you arrived here? I suppose that your parents haven't kept you inside all day like back at home right?"

Tom raised an eyebrow at Tord, who simply shrugged and continued walking. Tom stopped and caught Tord's attention. The male in red turned around and looked into Tom's eyes.

He was begging without saying anything.

Please don't replace me...not now...

Tom frowned and sighed. He tugged onto his backpack straps and smiled at Tord. Tord flushed red and smiled back, getting the same response from the small British male.

Allen just frowned and coughed to catch their attention.

"I believe that we must arrive to school before it's too late. I don't want to be marked late already on my first day."

The other two nodded and continued the walk, silent this time. There was nothing to say, and the feeling was toxic. Tom felt it all too well. He wasn't liking it.


"Now turn to page 587 in your math books and solve problems 23 through 28. This is independent work so if anyone is caught speaking, you will be sent outside of the classroom to another teacher. Understood?"

"Yes ma'am."

Tord had started working on his problems when he heard giggling behind him. He turns around and sees Tom and Allen, joking around. It wasn't usual for Thomas to 'disobey' something that a teacher has precisely told him.

Tord knocked on Tom's desk to which the British male reacted and quiet down. Allen raised an eyebrow to Tord, who mouthed the words

Fuck off

And simply went back to work. He had to deal with Allen at home as well now that he remembered.


Dear Eggy,
            So....there's another new person. And the irony is that he's also from Norway and really nice to me. But I get the feeling that whenever I make any sort of contact with Allen, which is the new kid, Tord interferes and just gets really mad. Should I stop talking to Tord or Allen? Should I ignore the remarks from Tord? I'm really confused Eggy...just wished you were here to help me answer these questions. There's also other questions needed to be responded to...



Lunchtime had begun already and it seemed like 25 minutes have already passed. Tom and Tord were underneath the tree, alone. Allen decided to go inside the cafeteria since he had already made other friends.

"Tord, how long have you known Allen?"

"Since I was in preschool why?"

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