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It was a school day once again. Tom had asked Matt to drop him off at school in his car. He didn't want to see the Norwegian just yet.

He would have to ignore him as well. He still carried his notebook but he had figured that he would stop writing in it. He had to.

Once the bell rang for first period, he heard his name being called by someones certain accent. Tord.

"Tom! Thomas I need to talk to you!!"

He gripped his back strap and continued walking his way to school. He still heard the Norwegian male yelling his name, as if in urgency.

"Tom! Please we need to talk!!"

Tom didn't stop but yet his steps started to feel heavy. It was as though his own body was trying to make him stop but he pushed on and was finally reaching the door to the entrance when a red body stopped.

"Tom. Please..."

His shoulders were being gripped upon and was hurting him. Tord wasn't going to leave him be huh...

"What do you want."

It wasn't a question. It was a demand. His voice was cold and his British accent stood out more then usual.

"I just want to apologize for snooping into your notebook. Please forgive me. I didn't know that you wanted to keep it a secret."

The males Norwegian accent as well stood out. Tom shoved Tord's hands off his shoulders and walked off. He left the male in red to ponder on his previous actions.


It was barely second period and Tom was already wanting to leave to go home. He had sat on the other side of class while Tord in the usual spot.

The male in red stole glances towards the British male but the other simply focused on the lesson. He felt the grey eyes staring him but he simply ignored it.

"Tord. What is the answer for number 3?"

He was knocked out of his trance and he looked up to see the question written on the board.



"Good. Please pay attention. Your quiz is this week and I don't want anyone failing it."

"Yes maam."

He looked down onto his notebook and felt his cheeks red from the embarrassment. There was snickering around him. He looks up and back to Tom, who wasn't laughing and just listening to the teacher.

'How long will it be until he speaks to me again?'


Lunchtime. Usually it isn't anything bad. Unless if you're Tord that is. The only place he usually went to was under the tree with Thomas but he wasn't going to get close.

So he stayed in class and rested his head. The teacher didn't mind but was worried for him. Of course, it was his Psychology teacher.

"Tord, why aren't you in the cafeteria?"

"I'm not hungry."

Just to contradict himself, his stomach growled. She raised her brows and leaned back in her chair. He hid away, not wanting to show his face any longer.

"Tord, you need to get something to eat. Starving yourself isn't good for your health."

"I know. But I don't feel like facing anyone right now."

His teacher straightened herself. She had noticed him glancing over at Tom during class.

"Does this have to do with someone in this class?"

He nodded. She taps his shoulder and instructed him to look. So he did. She sat herself down into Tom's seat and looked dead into Tord's eyes.

"Do they sit here Tord?"

He froze. She knew it was Tom. And he didn't like it. He shook his head and walked out of class. She wanted to help but it seemed as though he didn't want it.


Dear Egg,
          He isn't going to leave me alone. I don't know why but he's still there. Should I let him be there for me? Is it wrong to fall for him? Is it wrong to eventually move on?


Dear _______, [TomTord]Where stories live. Discover now